Contact: Larry Buettner
Myra Buettner
Holy Family has a long history of supporting Catholic social teaching through our various ministries, Lenten social justice programs and local community outreach.
The Welcome the Stranger Ministry is an extension of Holy Family’s mission statement. We look to address the humanitarian and spiritual needs of refugees, migrants, and asylum seekers as they seek status in the United States. We recognize the dignity of every man, woman, and child as they seek the basic need of shelter, jobs, and security as they progress through this trying process.
Our efforts reflect the Church’s call to welcome the stranger while respecting and supporting the United States’ process to obtain legal status. Our goal is to provide a compassionate bridge between these two. requirements.
Upcoming Events:
Help a Refugee Family in Need
We are collecting household staples for a refugee family that will arrive in our community with the help of Exodus World Service. Bring your donations to the east coatroom on the weekend of February 22nd and 23rd. Place them in the designated bins. We will deliver them to the refugee family on your behalf.
List of items needed: https://bit.ly/HFP_WTS_FEB25
All items must be new.
Questions? Contact patstack483@gmail.com
Exodus New Neighbor Program
Holy Family Helps Refugee Family Resettle April, 2024
Through the generosity of Holy Family Parishioners, a Nigerian family was welcomed to their new home in the NW suburbs. Holy Family assistance provided household goods (i.e.: linens, sheets, pots, etc.) and an initial supply of food, reflective of their ethnic diet. The most exciting part of the day was the arrival of the family to their new home. Fleeing from a war-torn nation, they were overwhelmed by the friendly faces who greeted them. The mother dropped to her knees and thanked God for their new opportunity.