Catechist Formation

catechist formation“Yet, O Lord,
   you are our Father;
    we are the clay,
    and you are our potter;
    we are all the work of your hand.”
Isaiah 64:8

FAITH FORMATION, says John Roberto, long time religious educator, “informs, forms and transforms the person – whether child, youth or adult – into a robust, vital and life-giving Christian faith that is holistic: a way of the head, the heart, and the hands.”


DISCIPLESHIP is a lifelong journey for Christians, a journey enfolded in a relationship of love and trust. The deeper our relationship with Christ becomes the more we begin to see how the Spirit has formed and is forming us through Scripture and Tradition, through the people we encounter and the experiences we have. Our discipleship is lived out through the spiritual practices we choose; practices that give substance and everyday practicality to our response to Christ’s invitation of friendship.

As faithful disciples we must continue to be open to the ways Scripture and Tradition, encounter and experience call us to move ever deeper into our relationship with God. Doing so we will become more and more attuned to the presence of God in creation, in our lives, in the life we share as members of Holy Family Catholic community and in the lives of those we minister to as catechists.

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