Providing For Our Family’s Future is the Capital Campaign that builds our present community through spiritual renewal, ensures our campus will be maintained at its current level of excellence and fulfills our commitment to the programs and scholarships of the Archdiocese. It is a vision for Holy Family that honors our past, gives thanks to the present, and embraces our future. 

Thank you to all the volunteers, parishioners, and donors who made the Providing For Our Family’s Future Capital Campaign a tremendous success. A special thanks goes to Campaign Chairs Melissa and Michael Canning, Committee Chairs Kathy and Chris Abbinante, and our dedicated Committee who have all worked tirelessly in securing pledges and gifts from fellow parishioners. And thank you to all of the families of Holy Family Catholic Community who opened their hearts and their homes to speak with representatives and commit to the Campaign. 

Below is a report on the Providing For Our Family’s Future Capital Campaign through to Friday, November 30th:

Campaign through November 15                                     90 pledges                              $1,885,000

Commitment Weekend (Nov. 16 & 17)                          190 pledges                                 $720,000

Commitment Weekend (Nov. 23 & 24)                               33 pledges                                     $107,160

Campaign through November 30                                     87 pledges                                 $499,840

STATISTICS TO NOVEMBER 30th:                                    400 pledges                              $3,212,000

We have reached 85% of our campaign goal! It’s not too late to make a pledge to the Providing For Our Family’s Futurecampaign. There are three options available you can use to support the campaign:

  1. Mail in your pledge form. 
  2. Visit Debbie Lively-Weyers in the church office to fill out a pledge card.
  3. Make your pledge directly online by visiting

For more information or if you have any questions on how to fulfill your pledge,                                             please contact Jean Swenson at 847-907-3428 or 

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