Summer Suppers for the Homeless

Name: Alma Kraft

 Holy Family Catholic Community and other seasonal PADS sites saw the need to continue to feed the homeless in our neighborhood while PADS is closed throughout the summer months. Hence, the Summer Suppers for the Homeless began at a church in Palatine and quickly grew to others in the area. Offering a nutritious supper most evenings of the month means a lot. It may be the only meal they eat that day.
Holy Family serves once a month on the 4th Monday of each month May – September.

Volunteers Are Needed

Volunteers are needed from 5:00-8:00pm to prepare, serve and clean up the meal hosted in the social center. Meals are offered from 6:30-7:30pm. Families are welcome to serve together. However, this is not suitable for children under the age of 10 yrs. You must register to volunteer. Contact Alma at We cannot accept walk-in volunteers.

Food Donations
Volunteers are needed to donate food for dinners. 

  • Planned menu items are provided on Carecalendar.
  • ID: 134413 Password: 9236
  • If you need a meal, see the 2024 calendar of sites CLICK HERE
Drop off fully-prepared food items between 5:15-5:30pm the day of the distribution at Holy Family Door 20 (next to the loading dock)

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