We have welcomed many special guests to Holy Family recently who have each expressed profound gratitude for our partnership with them in the Violence Prevention Initiative. Fr. Mike Pfleger very passionately and personally shared many of the challenges that he sees to building Peaceful Pathways in his neighborhood and the larger community of Chicago and surrounding suburbs during his presentation here last Thursday evening. You may or may not know that Mike adopted three boys and one of them, Jarvis, was shot and killed by gun violence. I don’t think that you could get any more personal motivation than the pain of losing a child in the addressing of the many complex issues that can lead to violence. Our support of the Strong Futures program at St. Sabina, where Mike is the pastor, flows from the great work that this program does in assisting young men in developing life skills and receiving support that leads to jobs and a more stable life style.
We welcomed Phil Andrew who is the newly appointed Director of the Archdiocese of Chicago’s Violence Prevention Initiative. Holy Family was the first parish that Phil visited and he continues to be very appreciative that we are leading the way for parish efforts in violence prevention.
This past weekend we also welcomed Kathy Donahue, Director of Programs, and Mike Waters, Northwest Regional Director, both from Catholic Charities who also are very grateful for our support of the Peace Corner, one of their programs on the west side of Chicago in the Austin neighborhood. The Peace Corner focuses more on support for youth and engages them in many activities including athletics, teaching young people life skills and providing education that challenges many pressures in the community that often lead to gun violence. The Peace Corner provides nutritional meals and a safe place for children to grow and be supported. As you heard in one of our video presentations, it is the ONLY program of its kind in Austin, so our support is vital to their mission and their growth.
We also welcomed Cardinal Cupich last Sunday and he personally expressed his gratitude for the support that we are giving to his Violence Prevention Initiative. He is very impressed with the unique and passionate way that we are able to tell stories and convey the importance of this and other events and endeavors through technology, our screens and the creative use of our space, including the sacred space of our church.
SO… We have been telling the story of the Strong Futures Program and The Peace Corner and, as in past Lents, we have used the first few weeks of this season to share the information and tell the stories, NOW is the time that we ask for your financial support for our Lenten Social Justice Project. Envelopes for your donations can be found on the shelves in the Narthex or near the basket in or the display in the narthex. You may then place your donation in the basket in front of the altar.
As you may recall, I was planning on taking a six month sabbatical beginning last August and lasting until Christmas. With my mom’s decline in health and eventual death, I postponed my plans. I have requested and been granted a two month mini-sabbatical beginning April 2 lasting until June 9. My plans include extended time at four retreat houses, two local, one in Wyoming and one in Montana. My schedule will enable me to be back here at Holy Family for important events including Confirmation, First Communions and HFCA Graduation.
I look forward to this time away that will enable me to write and finish some other projects. Fr Rich Jakubik will be available for Masses, funerals and additional administrative needs. In addition , Fr. Bill Zavaski and other priests have generously offered to preside at Masses and other sacramental celebrations in my absence. Even though I welcome some time away, I will miss being with you and, as always, ask for your prayers and know that you will constantly be in mine.
Let us continue to pray for and support our Candidates and Catechumen who are on a journey towards full communion with us here at Holy Family and the Church throughout the world: Anthony Suubi (Elect/Catechumen), Andrea Ruetten, Amanda Cummings, Timothy Esposito, Penelope Ffitch-Heyes and Randall Gurvitz.