September 26th, 2021

Pilgrimage Update

     This weekend’s Kick Off of Adventures in Grace: a pilgrimage will look a bit different than originally planned. Our friend, colleague and animator of the pilgrimage, Dr. Terry Nelson-Johnson has been experiencing some blood pressure emergencies recently and will not be able to join us this weekend. Please keep Terry and his family in your prayers. He is under very good medical care and we are all praying for his continued recovery.

     I really believe in God’s providence and the fact that Terry cannot join us is an opportunity for us to address some questions some of you may have and clarify some information about this truly unique, year-long adventure. Many of you are continuing to ask just what a pilgrimage is. Terry’s Soul Play teammate and a friend of Holy Family, Laura Field, will join me this weekend to get us ready for the adventure, clarify some information and answer any questions that you may have.

     Dr. Terry Nelson-Johnson earned a doctorate in Pastoral Studies from Loyola University. He was on the faculty of Loyola Academy for 18 years. He has been a member of the staff at Old St. Patrick’s Church in Chicago and he started the Beloved Retreat that has been a significant adult spiritual experience for thousands, including many of our parishioners here at Holy Family. Terry has led missions, retreats and days of reflection nationally and internationally.

     Laura Field is a retreat leader, spiritual director and communications professional. She holds a Masters in Spirituality from Loyola University. Her consulting and media relations corporate experience includes a position as Vice President for a world-wide IT consulting firm.

What will our Adventures in Grace pilgrimage look like?  

Elements include:

•  Homilies at five Sunday Masses between now and Pentecost 2022, both challenging and inspiring us to immerse ourselves in each of the 7 Sacraments (The Parish Mission will cover two Sacraments)

•  A Wednesday follow up, live streamed presentation during which Terry will add even more unique rituals and reflections, broadening the sacramental experience accessible at any time

•  Additional resources available on our website

•  Periodic virtual rest stops that will provide opportunities for discussion if you choose

•  We will provide additional resources such as discussion questions

•  Holy Family Catholic Academy and our Family & Teen Faith programs will fold their Sacramental prep for parents into the Pilgrimage stops.

What are we asking of you?

Simply attend. There is NO cost

•  Engage yourself in this unique adventure

•  Trust that our planning and intentions for the importance of this initiative are VERY significant for the very mission of Holy Family

•  Take a risk; do something different to enrich your faith life

•  Ideally, gather a small group of your friends to have ongoing discussions, or invite others to participate.

     Our staff has been planning this pilgrimage with Terry and Laura for almost three years now.  The pandemic has delayed it, but we really believe now is the time to begin taking concrete steps to achieve our major Strategic Planning goal that so many of you supported in our recent Providing For Our Family’s Future campaign—namely,  to engage new parishioners and re-engage existing parishioners. We believe this Pilgrimage will do just that!

     Our hope is that Terry will then make the initial presentation on Sacramentality on November 6 and 7 with follow up Wednesday, November 10. Until then, we are offering additional preparation presentations at Masses the weekend of October 10 and Wednesday, October 20.

     The reason for these prep sessions are simple.  A physical pilgrimage involves a lot of travel and walking. Participants need to get in shape. It also requires certain resources. The early disciples needed good sandals, food provisions for strength, proper clothing, considering who they would travel with, studying maps, finding people who knew the terrain and more. The early pilgrims of our founding democracy took many risks in their travels not only across the Atlantic Ocean, but in forming a new nation. They identified principles of their belief. Our Catholic faith has similar principles that we call Sacraments. Our spiritual preparation is similar. Let’s take the next month and a half to get ready to receive anew the grace that flows from those sacraments and the sacrament of life.

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