September 19th, 2021

More Adventure, More on the Pilgrimage

As we have been preparing for Adventures in Grace: A Pilgrimage we have received some questions. Perhaps I can clarify a bit.  This is not a physical journey from place to place like a classic pilgrimage is.  It is a spiritual journey with homilies and presentations here at Holy Family and hopefully follow-up discussions with some others with whom you would like to share your faith.  We will provide resources such as discussion questions for continued personal reflection or discussion with others.  We will also provide opportunities for virtual discussion and sharing as well. The various stops, or destinations along the way will creatively and provocatively focus on the grace of life, and thus the grace of the seven sacraments that our Church is structured around and on.

We are beneficiaries of and products of the institution of the Church that gives and regulates the seven sacraments.  I say beneficiaries because each sacrament marks a sacred moment of the Holy Spirit and has so much grace to offer.  But we are hoping to retrieve the original movement of that same Holy Spirit and connect more deeply with the instigating energy of Jesus Christ, which started each sacred experience that we call aacrament.  We say that Jesus instituted the sacraments.  That very word is an institutional term with the same root word.  I want to put a different spin on that by saying he instigated the aacraments based on LIFE.

For example, a popular spiritual saying is that we can find God anywhere.  I use that statement to say that God can find us anywhere.  If we believe that God can find us anywhere, then our world is filled with grace, graced moments and grace opportunities.  Jesus knew that.  He had a vision to perpetuate faith and thus the institution of the Church began.  Through the centuries much has been added to develop that institution and at times it needs renewal.  I believe we are in such a time NOW, as a larger church and here at Holy Family.

The Pilgrimage offers something new and different, a unique approach to the lasting energy of the Holy Spirit that has always guided us—the Church. We will often refer to the Pilgrimage with the letters AIG standing for Adventures in Grace. There are more details available on our website at:

JP Celebration

We want to celebrate with Friar Johnpaul Cafiero in a big way. He was unable to mark his 25th anniversary of ordination in December of last year because of Covid. He will celebrate 5:00pm Mass on Saturday, October 9.  Please mark your calendars. More details will be forthcoming.


We are kicking off FM, or our version of Family Mass this weekend at the 9:00am Mass. We are simply referring to it as FM. It will be series of multi generational Masses. Parishioners from at least 3 different generations are encouraged to come and worship together.  Members of those generations, often together as a family, will lead various parts of the Mass and special attention will be given during the homily time to connect with the various generations.

Both the Pilgrimage and FM are the products of much planning by our entire staff.  We are responding to the needs of our strategic plan that will carry us forward as a vibrant faith community with relevant liturgies designed to engage people of all ages with creative and prayerful messages while continuing to share the reverence of our beautiful prayer tradition.

Please spread the word.  Come and add to the energy and look for future Fm experiences.

Catechetical Sunday

This weekend we also bless, commission and thank the many catechists in our community of faith, including faculty of Holy Family Catholic Academy.  These are adults who are committed to the spiritual growth of our youth and teens.

We are still in need of two catechists in Family Faith. Many of you have stepped forward in the past two weeks and I thank you.  I can’t think of a better blessing for Catechetical Sunday than to have all of the spots filled.

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