September 12th, 2021

YOU are needed to be a Catechist

Each year at this time when our Family & Teen Faith programs begin, we articulate the need for catechists.  This need is probably expressed in every parish around the world. Our young parishioners need what YOU have to offer. Research shows that the impact of an adult (other than parents) on young people in matters of faith and spirituality is significant.  As I say this, please know that you do not need to be an expert in Church teachings, scripture, Sacraments or other important items of faith to be a catechist.  Obviously I am biased, but Dr. Peg and our Family & Teen Faith Staff provide the best lesson plans to use in guiding our young people.  Class sizes are small, usually no more than 10-12, and often teens are present to minister with you, particularly in our Teen Faith programs of Ignite and Flame.  Classes don’t meet every week, rather about 21 times between the end of September and April.

What is really needed is your presence and your interest in your own faith. Current and past catechists say time and time again that they are fed deeply by the discussions and activities around which our young people grow in their faith.  They often say they learn more than the students do.

I would like to offer this as you discern your response to our need.  In the physical part of our one world, when you give something away, for example your time in being a catechist – you lose it.  In the spiritual part of our one world when you give something away, like your time, your heart, your guidance – it becomes more.  Consider making more of your faith and that of our young parishioners.  Be a catechist!

YOU have what is needed to fill this need.  For details contact our Family & Teen Faith office.

Faith without Works is Dead

We are in a stretch of several weeks when our second reading is taken from the Letter of James. James, like those from John, Jude and Peter, are titled after the author FROM whom it is written, not the community TO which it is written.  Therefore, James and these others are broad messages for a very broad audience, and that would certainly include you and I.

In the passage we hear this week, James puts a spiritual and faith-filled spin on the adage that actions speak louder than words.

The passage says, “…faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead.”  And, “Demonstrate your faith to me without works, and I will demonstrate my faith to you from my works.” (James 2:17 & 18).

The letter goes on to say, “For just as a body without a spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.”  (James 2:26)


Get ready for next Sunday’s 9:00am Mass. This will truly be a new and unique celebration of the Eucharist. We are kicking off our FM, or Family Mass, and invite all of you to come and encourage as many generations of your family, parishioners or not, to join us.  We will have groupings of generations not only proclaiming readings and bringing forward Eucharistic gifts but also leading us in several other parts of the Mass and take an active part in the celebration. The best way for you to experience this unique form of the Eucharist obviously is to come.  Join us and invite others to join us.

Masks Required

Masks are REQUIRED indoors, regardless of vaccination status, for all clergy, staff, volunteers and parishioners inside archdiocesan facilities in Suburban Cook County and in the City of Chicago, including Masses, liturgies and all activities/events within our parishes.

We have said for so long that We are in this together. The THIS now is a communal approach to being Pro-Life. Wearing a mask to protect yourself and others is a way to protect life – yours and others’.  I am encouraging you to put aside secondary influences surrounding current Covid protocols and wear a mask anytime you enter any Archdiocesan facility in keeping with the mandates of the state, medical professionals at the highest levels, and thus the Archdiocese and us here at Holy Family. Our staff and leadership are not the only ones called to enforce this.  We are in THIS together. Thanks for your assistance and support.

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