This form of the rite of Christian initiation is intended for children, not baptized as infants or who are baptized but have not received any formal catechesis, and are of catechetical age (5 – 14).
What is the RCIC?
The RCIC process helps children and their families recognize and experience anew God’s presence in their lives. Becoming aware of God’s invitation to be in communion, the families reflect on their experiences of God’s love and the power in has in their lives. This refection takes place within the Christian community, who help the children grow in their love of God and empower them to be witnesses to the Gospel, sharing the Good News of God’s love and mercy and serving others.
The family is the primary Christian community for children and the first place of formation. The parents are the primary catechists for their children. Therefore, the design of the RCIC includes the formation of the entire family.
As the children, encounter the living God in their family, in the worshipping community, and by serving others, it is important to help them name what they are thinking and feeling. To do that, the RCIC gathers them and their families for regular and meaningful conversations.
What is the process?
Children/teens beginning this process are placed into regular Sunday Faith classes with their peers. Here they will explore Catholic teaching and practice. During the first year, these children will celebrate the Rite of Welcome during a Sunday mass and come together with other RCIC families to engage in faith sharing and service.
During their second year, the children/teens will continue in classes with their peers and families will gather for immediate preparation for the Sacraments of Initiation.
All children/teens who are ready and prepared will receive the sacraments on the first Sunday after Easter (April 24, 2022) at the 11:00 am Mass.
To join our RCIC Community
- Click here to register your children/teens in our Family and Teen Faith Program
- Click here to complete our RCIC Inquirer Form
For a wonderful overview of the RCIC, see The Christian Initiation of Children of Catechetical Age: What happens in the CICCA?