
Holy Family operates a PADS site (in collaboration with JOURNEYS|The Road Home in Palatine,) offering food and shelter to our homeless neighbors on Sunday evenings from October 1 through April 30. Basic volunteer needs are shift work at the site and food donations to provide dinner, lunch, and breakfast to our guests. A brief description of the shifts are as follows:

Set Up Shift (5:30-6:30 pm) – ready sleeping area and dining area
1st shift (6:30-11 pm) – register guests; assist with serving dinner, clean up, and make guests feel welcome, monitor all areas of the site.
2nd Shift (11 pm-3 am) – monitor all areas of the site, make lunches
3rd Shift (3-7 am) – monitor all areas of the site, awaken guests, prepare and serve breakfast
Clean Up Shift (6-7 am) wipe down/put away pads and pillows, clean restrooms

Online registration through Journeys the Road Home is required for first-time volunteers.  Go to   Once completed, you can sign up for shift work at Holy Family at  On-site training will be provided on your first night of volunteering.

If you would like to donate food, go to Use calendar ID: 134413 and security code: 9236. Additional instructions are on the website.

If you would like to volunteer or have any other questions, please contact Alma. Volunteering just once or a few times during the season is very helpful. Thank you for your consideration.

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