
Name: Sue Geegan
Phone: 847-907-3443


PADS stands for Public Action to Deliver Shelter.  PADS is a program within the “Journeys | The Road Home” organization which is a county-wide homeless support outreach effort based in Palatine.

If you are in need of shelter, contact Journeys | The Road Home, at 847-963-9163 or visit them at 1140 East Northwest Hwy, Palatine, IL  60074.

Holy Family supports this organization by hosting a PADS site on Sunday evenings from October 1 to April 30, 7:00 pm to 7:00 am.  Our guests are registered Journeys | The Road Home clients.  They sleep on foam mattresses with clean sheets, blankets and pillows and receive dinner, breakfast and a sack lunch.  Holy Family volunteers set-up, serve meals, oversee the site’s activities, donate and prepare meals, wash kitchen towels, put away laundered bedding and clean-up.  Training is provided.

CLICK HERE to read the JOURNEYS The Road Home PADS – thank you letter to our parish. 

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