October 26th/27th

A recent campaign initiated by the Archdiocese of Chicago, “To Teach Who Christ Is,” has found broad support by pastors to strengthen Catholic education throughout the Archdiocese. Monies raised through this effort are being used to invest in Catholic schools and religious education programs, such as improving catechesis, maintaining academic excellence, helping economically depressed parishes with educational critical needs, providing scholarships, and supporting the ongoing development and retention of teachers and administrators. 

The portion of funds which support the Archdiocese can be viewed as a mission for the underprivileged of Chicago. As members of a greater Catholic Church, it’s an important responsibility for Holy Family to join every parish in the Archdiocese to participate in this unprecedented campaign. In summary, funds supporting the Archdiocese will be directed to these three areas:

1) Investing in the Next Generation – Catholic Education Scholarship Trust (CEST) & Academic Excellence 

2) Passing on our Faith – Religious Education through Catechist Training and Innovation 

3) Building for the Future – Facilities, including emergency capital repairs

For more information, to volunteer, or to give, please contact the Campaign Office:

Rosemary Geisler
847-907-3424 or rgeisler@holyfamilyparish.org

Sacha Lehto
917-742-1308 or 

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