October 13, 2024

Be More: A Movement of Growth

This is a very pivotal time for us here at Holy Family. The word pivot means “to turn.” We are celebrating 40 years as a parish at the end of November and, in a sense, that will be a point to stop and look back.  This stopping and looking back is much like a basketball player who stops dribbling the ball and has to establish one foot to turn on, enabling them to look for options to advance the ball to others. That foot is designated as the “pivot foot.”

We are approaching this pivotal moment in our history with an equal amount of looking forward as we are looking back. Periodically at the beginning of Mass, I ask founding parishioners to stand and be recognized by the congregation. These founders have lived and, in many cases, helped carve the rich and vibrant history of Holy Family. There is much to recollect and be proud of as we look back. Many new members simply don’t know significant details of our past. The weekend of November 23 and 24 will be a time of celebration and remembering. But more than most parish anniversaries, this one will help us pivot to initiatives for our future.

There are two pillars to our Be More: A Movement of Growth initiatives, guiding us into a strong and bright future. They are:

The Synodal Process and

a Eucharistic Renewal

The Synod

This past week the second session of the Synod in Rome began. It will conclude on October 27. A Synod is a very spiritual way of proceeding to address important issues and concerns for a faith-based organization. It is a method of discussion that emphasizes participation from all and places a huge emphasis on listening – intentionally and respectfully listening.

The Synodal process breaks a large group down into smaller groups of 5-10. Trained leaders guide the discussion during which each participant speaks, at first with no response from the others. That is followed by a period of between 2-3 minutes of silence to enable intentional and respectful listening. That is followed by uninterrupted responses to each person’s comments, followed by another period of intentional listening.  There are additional elements to the Synodal process but I wanted to take this space as an opportunity to further explain part of the process.

Pope Francis is gathering clergy and laity all over the world, including our own Cardinal Cupich for this session, for the universal Church to listen to each other and discuss. This process is rooted in the belief that the Holy Spirit works in ALL of us, and in this Synodal “Conversation in the Holy Spirit.”

We have begun this conversation here at Holy Family with staff and a Leadership Team. That Team has begun to plan certain objectives and ways of proceeding for the entire parish. You will hear more details as this process unfolds over the next several years and in our Annual Report later this month.

Eucharistic Renewal

My vision for the future of Holy Family cannot be separated from the celebration of the Eucharist. So many factors recently have challenged people’s appreciation for, participation in, and even understanding of the Eucharist.

Holy Family has always celebrated the gift of Christ’s REAL presence among us at Mass in a particularly vibrant and unique way.

What is unique about Holy Family’s celebration of the Eucharist? I will be commenting on unique features of our Eucharistic liturgies a lot in the coming weeks, but one that comes to my mind now are the large screens that we use to accentuate and creatively portray the Gospel and other aspects of our parish mission.

I want to call all of you to a renewed participation in each celebration of the Eucharist by singing together as a congregation. We display the words to EVERY song and, unlike many other parishes who rely on song books, many of which are not even opened, we have the words displayed for us ALL. There is really no reason for ALL of us not to sing along as the words are displayed for us ALL.

Let’s renew our appreciation for, and participation in, the gift of Christ’s REAL presence by singing together in praise of our God who gathers us in gratitude. Out of a deeper sense of gratitude for all life, our life, the many blessings of our life, and Christ’s real presence by letting the screens guide us.

Let’s sing more prayerfully, Holy Family, to help us Be More and to grow in faith!!

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