November 10th

A Message from Fr. Terry

Sacrificial Giving

For nearly 35 years, Holy Family Catholic Community has benefited from the generosity and sacrifice of our parishioners. We have a proud legacy. We now have the opportunity to continue this proud legacy into the future through sacrificial giving to our capital campaign.

Giving is not a zero-sum game. We are not therefore facing the decision between, say, spending money on the church or on the wider community. Rather, giving is additive and generative. The more we give, the more others join us in giving. The more generous we are here in building our community, the more generous we become in the wider community. The initiatives we are hoping to achieve in Providing For Our Family’s Future, like the first gifts to our church, will make Holy Family even more generous than it is today.

Providing For Our Family’s Future is the capital campaign that builds our present community through spiritual renewal, ensures our campus will be maintained at its current level of excellence and fulfills our commitment to the programs and scholarships of the Archdiocese. It is a vision for Holy Family that honors our past, gives thanks to the present, and embraces our future. 

At all Masses next weekend, I will invite the parishioners of Holy Family Catholic Community to participate in the Providing For Our Family’s Future capital campaign. I will ask everyone to consider pledging, over five years, a gift that is sacrificially generous.  Please give prayerful consideration to this request.  Please know all gifts are deeply appreciated and needed, no gift is too small. It is only through the sacrificial generosity of every family at Holy Family that we can be truly successful.

The success of Providing For Our Family’s Future depends on the sacrificial generosity of all parishioners, not just a few. I invite every family at Holy Family to join in as we build our future together. Though we may not all be able to offer gifts of equal dollar amounts, we can each offer the Lord, and each other, gifts of equal sacrifice. We need every parish family to prayerfully consider how you can participate in this important effort. 

How do you prepare for Commitment Weekend?

1) Read your campaign materials. They explain in full detail our Capital Campaign.

2) Pray with your family about a sacrificially generous gift over a five-year period.

3) Be prepared to complete a pledge card next weekend.

Providing For Our Family’s Future 
Ready to contribute? Or have a question about the Campaign?

Rosemary Geisler          847-907-3424 or

Sacha Lehto                 917-742-1308 or

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