November 3rd

Sacrificial Giving. We Need Your Participation!

Hopefully, by now, you have received your campaign packet either via mail or a personal visit from a campaign representative. If you have not, please contact Ro Geisler or Sacha Lehto in the Parish Office. Now more than ever, we need everyone’s participation in the campaign to make the campaign a success. When considering your own sacrificial gift, please remember that sacrificial giving is a deliberate and prayerfully considered choice to dedicate our time, our talents, and our treasure in a way that is over and above our usual generosity. At Holy Family, sacrificial giving is a deliberate choice to take a step out in your faith to advance God’s work in our parish.

Sacrificial gifts are prayerful.

Gifts that are sacrificial are considered prayerfully and then made with the complete understanding that all that we have, including our financial resources, is only ours to steward for the praise and glory of God.  Are we making an intentional, prayerful, decision to financially support the parish from the perspective of a disciple called to serve God and others?

Sacrificial gifts are proportionate.

Considering a gift that is sacrificial requires that we simply be honest with ourselves…and with God.  How have we been blessed?  How do we rank building the kingdom of God among our financial priorities?  Does our giving truly reflect our ability to give?  Does our giving reflect trust in our God?

Sacrificial gifts are planned.

Planning a sacrificial gift enables us to give the first fruits of our labors rather than an amount that is left over after all our other obligations are met.  The planning process, itself, can be a prayerful exercise that focuses our attention on the values and the priorities that define our lives.  Planning a gift over time helps ensure that our giving is focused on God’s plans for us, and not our own.

Sacrificial giving is not easy.

Sacrificial giving is a commitment to give even when you might rather be doing something else with your time and your resources. May God grant us the grace to respond faithfully, generously, and sacrificially to His call to serve His purpose at Holy Family as we commit to the future of our parish.

The key initiatives of the Providing For Our Family’s Future campaign are:

1) Building Our Community – An initiative aimed at reenergizing parishioners, providing spiritual renewal for the disenchanted, and engaging the future leaders of our Church 

2) Sustaining Our Mission – To provide for the ongoing maintenance and upgrades needed for a welcoming and functional facility that can serve our parishioners and visitors for years to come 

3) Supporting Our Archdiocese – As a leader in the larger Church community, we will support programs for innovative education for Catechists, Scholarships, and infrastructure of facilities

Ready to Pledge? Want to be a phone-a-thon caller or usher on Commitment Weekend? Please contact the Campaign Office:

Rosemary Geisler         847-907-3424 or

Sacha Lehto                 917-742-1308 or

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