November 23, 2024

Happy 40th Anniversary Holy Family Catholic Community

The past three article in this space have presented a CONCISE history of our vibrant faith community over the past 40 years. There are so many more details, stories and even myths regarding Holy Family here in Inverness. I want to thank those of you who we acknowledge periodically as living pillars of our community. You are the ones who have been here since the beginning. You built this community and provided a foundation upon which we stand today. Many joined us during Fr. Pat Brennan’s time as pastor and so many of you experienced a renewal of faith because of the unique way that Holy Family celebrated, studied and expressed spirituality and faith. Still others have become part of our community recently. But, all of us have been formed in this community and expressed our faith in a manner that stands out from other communities of faith. Perhaps you have heard outsiders say, “Is Holy Family really Catholic?”

I know I have heard that and it always makes me wonder how others seem to put Catholicism in a box with too many limits. I believe we are Catholic to the Core here at Holy Family and many of our liturgical practices express that. We have increased the warmth of our welcoming at Mass recently and I get regular feedback from newcomers and visitors acknowledging that. Our liturgical leaders bow to the altar, showing great reverence to the place that bread and wine are transformed and scripture is proclaimed, but we then turn and bow to the people. This gesture as part of the procession at Mass reverently acknowledges the people who will be transformed by the proclamation of the word and the sharing of transformed Bread and Wine. We acknowledge that the same Holy Spirit transforms us as it transforms bread, wine and story.

Our congregation stands attentively as the gifts of bread and wine approach the altar during the Offertory. This shows our attentiveness to our God who receives them. We say, “The Mass never ends” during the Concluding Rite because we seek to not put limits on the grace we have received in the structure of the church building during the Eucharist. We want to take it into the world. Recently I have added, “Because our Mass never ends, we continue in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” as a greeting, showing continuity for our mission.

We are encouraged to say our name as we approach the Eucharistic Minister and receive the Body and Blood of Christ. We believe that this enhances the grace of a sacred moment because it makes it more personal. We say our name – who we are as we receive who Christ is—really present with us, and a gift to be received personally as well as communally.

Many of you have joined us since I have been pastor. I hope our review of Holy Family’s history and the special elements we have added in preparation for our 40th Anniversary have helped you appreciate a history that you may not know but one that propels us to perpetuate a vibrant and unique Catholic spirit going forward.

We join the larger Church in celebrating the Feast of Christ the King this weekend that brings the church year to a close. Next weekend, Advent begins a new church year. We are doing much the same as a parish this weekend, reflecting back on our history and looking to the future.

I cannot convey how excited and optimistic I am about our Be More Movement of Growth that will take us into the next chapters of Holy Family’s history.  Eucharistic renewal will guide us and Synodal Conversations in the Holy Spirit will animate us as TOGETHER we answer God’s challenge to Be More as a faith community.

The hand of Christ extended to us in our beautiful Cross of New Life gestures down into the heart of our sanctuary, which is an extension of where the Kingdom lies – it lies in our midst. The Kingdom of God is with us, among us and has been for 40 years. Let us extend the work of Christ’s hand by the work of our hands and our hearts to grow not simply by a plan, but by a movement perpetuated by every one of us. Let us BE MORE tomorrow together.

Our preparation and hosting for this 40th Anniversary celebration has been largely carried out by our ENTIRE staff. Naming individuals would be incomplete. We want this Anniversary celebration to be a gift from us to all of you. Congratulations!!!

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