November 20th, 2022

Cardinal Cupich lifts the general

dispensation from the obligation of

attending weekend Mass

Cardinal Cupich has sent a letter to all parishes of the Archdiocese encouraging all who are physically able to return to the live, in-person celebration of the Eucharist.  He begins the letter with these words, “In so many ways – large and small – the pandemic has upended our lives together.” He goes on to acknowledge that live streaming and TV Masses have provided healing and comfort in these challenging times. He then continues:

“… we are in a new moment. With vaccinations and boosters, restrictions on public gatherings have eased up. Many people feel more comfortable returning to Church. Yet, we know there are some elderly and immuno-comprised persons who are still not ready to return. And they should not return. These vulnerable brothers and sisters have an excusing cause for being absent and for this reason I will continue the TV Mass on ABC for the present time. But for the rest of us, I have decided, in consultation with my advisors, to lift the general dispensation from the obligation of attending Sunday Mass as we begin a new Church year on the First Sunday of Advent, November 26-27.

My hope is that the First Sunday of Advent will provide us with a fresh start to take up again our life together as a community of faith that gathers to worship God. I have asked our pastors to begin the Masses on November 26-27 with the traditional lighting of the Advent wreath. After the homily your pastor will lead the community in a renewal of baptismal promises, acknowledging that we owe our obligation to participate in Sunday Mass to God but also to each other. Our common profession of faith and of our desire to turn away from sin, will be concluded by a sprinkling rite with the waters of baptism.”

Looking Back

Annual Report Review

We presented an overall positive picture of the parish financially for last year, and our Academy had a small deficit.  Our income is still 7% below pre-Covid levels.  Our mission is still very ambitious and far-reaching.  Our position in vibrant, contemporary Catholicism remains strong. Many of you have been so generous financially. THANK YOU! And yet we have challenges ahead to engage new parishioners and re-engage existing ones.

To meet these challenges, I am asking us all to become more engaged in our Adventures in Grace by doing any and all of the following:

Use Grace language surfaced in last year’s pilgrimage, such as:

When and Where did you experience Grace this past week?

Who or what mediated that Grace? 

We base this on the three words used by the new Pastor of Old St. Patrick’s, Fr. Pat McGrath. Catholicism can be whittled down to three words: Grace – the energy and flow of God’s Love; Mediation – the transmission of that love and energy through an agent; and Sacrament – how we label or articulate the impact of Grace in our lives on a regular basis, and in formal ways as well.

Look for Grace in your life more intently. Start or join a GIG (Gathering in Grace or Small Christian Community), attend the Beloved Retreat December 9-11 at Mundelein Seminary, participate in our Tenderness Series of presentations throughout the year. Just be more tender with others. Join a ministry where you can share your God given talents. Attend our monthly FM Masses with three generations of your family. Be intentional in your financial support of our mission.

Our Advent Theme 2022

This weekend’s Feast of Christ the King brings one liturgical year to a close and begins another next weekend with the start of Advent. This year’s Advent theme reflects the major themes of the four weeks:

P – Prepare

R – Repent

A – Accept

Y – Yes

(Not only Mary’s, but Joseph’s as well)

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