November 17th, 2024

A Concise History of Holy Family, Part 3

One Tuesday afternoon in late 2008 I received a call from Bishop George Rassas encouraging me to apply to be your pastor at Holy Family. I was well aware of this community’s strong reputation and I was honored to be asked, but I had two years left on my term as pastor of St. Matthias. I hung up the phone and located Holy Family in the Archdiocesan Directory. I was immediately struck by the large staff listed there. That touched something in me that came from my many years in sports, particularly basketball. I wanted to be a part of a large successful team. After MUCH discernment and assistance from the Priests’ Placement Board, I was named pastor here the day before Ash Wednesday in 2009.

My transition was rough and contentious. Following such popular and skilled pastors as Fr. Brennan and Fr. Laz was challenging to say the least. Many in this community feared that Holy Family would radically change with a new pastor. All I can say is that I jumped in with both feet and listened intently to get a grip on the unique culture of this Holy Family. My sense was the parish was thriving, but I was immediately made aware of many needs, particularly space needs for ministries, activities and events for a community with a school that was continuing to grow. The enrollment of our Academy had grown to over 300.

In January of 2012 we began a $4 million campaign to build out the lower level of the Brennan Center. In a few years, with the backing of the Parish Pastoral Council, our many smaller fund-raising efforts were paired down to two major events; a family friendly Fall event, and a more formal Gala in the spring. This gave way to the current structure of Gala proceeds benefitting the Academy and Parish equally. We welcomed Kate O’Brien as the third principal of the Academy succeeding Dr. Gretchen Ludwig. Kate added an International Baccalaureate component to our already unique inquiry-based curriculum.

Good Friday Passion Plays continued to include more and more teens; our scripture offerings continued to grow. Small Christian Communities were thriving. Sue Geegan led collaboration efforts with Catholic Extension for our Lenten Social Justice Projects based on my friendship with their president Fr. Jack Wall. We here at Holy Family started a parish collaboration with Catholic Extension Society that now includes over 300 other parishes nationwide supporting the poorest of the poor in America.

Another wave of priest sexual scandals, the departure of Colin Collette and the arrival of Covid presented major challenges for us here at Holy Family. However, our One in Love Ministry, increased creativity digitally and the resilience of YOU, our parishioners, have helped us to both rebound and to thrive. Gene Garcia and Michael Patti have brought new energy and creativity to our Liturgical, musical and digital elements building on the vibrant worship and formation experience that you expect here at Holy Family. Suzie Malloy, with the Family & Teen Faith staff, along with and some unbelievably dedicated adult volunteers, are reigniting teen involvement and formation offerings, such as Kairos, that were diminished by Covid.

Mary Whiteside and Deacon Dennis Brown led efforts for yet another collaborative effort with Dr. Terry Nelson-Johnson and Soul Play beginning a new model of Adult Faith Life offerings spanning each liturgical year with varying themes. This and continued major maintenance and operational upgrades to our 145,000 square foot facility were supported by the To Teach Who Christ Is capital campaign that is just concluding now.

I am not aware of any Catholic parish that has offered FM Mass, Kid Church and the Mass of Rock. I believe these offerings have truly set us apart.

Ro Geisler and Bernie Schaeffer have been my closest teammates in all of these adventures and I thank them on your behalf, because their leadership and guidance has brought so much clarity amidst the shifting sands of Catholicism and spiritual hunger during these years of declining involvement in ALL organized religion. Paula Nowicki has been by my side through all of this and her support has been invaluable.

MOST importantly I thank all of you for the joy and privilege of priesthood that has brought me into the intimacy of your lives—the highs, lows, setbacks and triumphs. So many of you have supported the staff leaders mentioned above and you constitute the HOLY FAMILY that we are and strive to be.

It is an unbelievable honor to be your pastor and let’s together start another 40 years and beyond!

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