November 17th

Sharing the Loving Presence of God

THANK YOU for your vision for Holy Family Catholic Community.

THANK YOU for your commitment to our future.

THANK YOU for supporting this capital campaign.

THANK YOU for sharing the blessings that God has given to you.

THANK YOU for participating in Providing for Our Family’s Future.

We have much to be thankful for as we reflect on the unique role Holy Family plays in our community and region.  This campaign is an exciting moment for us to come together once more to ensure this church will be stronger than ever for current and future generations.  

Today, I invite all Holy Family parish families to be a part of our capital campaign, Providing for Our Family’s FutureYour participation ensures our success! 

Please consider making a sacrificial pledge if you have not done so already. By contributing, you set a beautiful Christian example of trust in the God we serve and faith in the future he has for us.  We have a unique opportunity to honor the traditions of our past, to celebrate the present, and to ensure a bright tomorrow. Together, we can set the course for our future that is brighter and more generous than ever.  Every gift is important and necessary to secure the future of our Holy Family.

By supporting the Providing For Our Family’s Future campaign we can:

1) Build Our Community – An initiative aimed at reenergizing parishioners, providing spiritual renewal for the disenchanted, and engaging the future leaders of our Church 

2) Sustain Our Mission – To provide for the ongoing maintenance and upgrades needed for a welcoming and functional facility that can serve our parishioners and visitors for years to come 

3) Support Our Archdiocese – As a leader in the larger Church community we must continue our mission to provide for the less fortunate.  We will support programs for innovative education for Catechists, Scholarships, and infrastructure of facilities throughout the Archdiocese

Questions about the Campaign? Please contact the Campaign Office:

Rosemary Geisler       847-907-3424 or rgeisler@holyfamilyparish.orgSacha Lehto                 917-742-1308 or

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