May 29th, 2022

Ascension to Pentecost

As the Easter Season draws to a close this year we hear the Ascension story according to Luke, which differs from Matthew’s version in which Jesus commissions the disciples to:

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, Baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, teaching them to carry out all that I have commended you and know that I will be with you until the end of time. Note the bolded words. They are all action words: Go, Make, Baptizing, Teaching, Carry Out, Know.

According to Luke, Jesus tells us them to, “…stay in the city (Jerusalem) until you are clothed with power from on high.” And, “Behold I am sending the promise of my Father upon you.” The power and presence of which he speaks is the Holy Spirit that would come upon them ten days later at Pentecost.

As our Adventures in Grace pilgrimage moves towards a pivotal moment this Pentecost, let us keep the many action words in mind because they are reminders of the action words that we have used for each stop along the sacramental way of this adventure – Drenched, Affirmed, Mercied, Fed and Committed – and they will help us focus on continuing the Adventure. Pentecost will give us a special opportunity to see how important it will be to remain Committed to renewing our spirituality, deepening our engagement in our mission here at Holy Family and doing so in new ways, with new people and a new age for our community of faith.

Pentecost will bring us a special celebration so we are slightly altering our Mass schedule next weekend. It will be as follows:

Saturday, June 4 – 5:00 pm Mass

Sunday, June 5 – 7:30 and 10:00 am Mass

(with a celebration to follow in the courtyard with food and entertainment after the 10am Mass)

Memorial Day

We honor those who have died in American wars this weekend.  The day originated when loved ones placed flowers on the graves of those who died during the Civil War.  As Abraham Lincoln states in the Gettysburg address about a nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all are created equal, Memorial Day honors those who “…gave their lives that that nation might live.” And, as Jack Nicholson says in the movie A Few Good Men about those who serve our country in the military, “The most appropriate thing to say is Thank You.” Thank you to our military members currently serving. Thank you to our Veterans. May those who gave their life that our country may live in freedom, may you rest in peace and THANK YOU!

Michael Patti,
Our new Director of Digital Development

We are very excited to announce that Michael Patti has been named as Director of Digital Development here at Holy Family. This is a brand new position, responsible for leading Holy Family into a new era of church development.  Michael has been a part of our staff for the past several years, primarily focused on Digital Marketing. You hear Michael’s voice leading us in the announcements before each Mass.  The collaboration between Michael and Gene Garcia, our Director of Liturgical Arts, precedes their time here at Holy Family, and they continue to work closely to offer a high quality and unique sound and video enhancement for our liturgies and other presentations, such as our livestream and website.  All of this strongly supports our ambitious and unique mission here at Holy Family. We welcome Michael in his new role as a Director.

Academy Graduation

Let us all congratulate our 2022 Holy Family Catholic Academy graduates who celebrated with a Baccalaureate Mass and Commencement Ceremony on Friday evening, May 27.  We thank Kate O’Brien, our Principal, Laura Clark, Assistant Principal and our middle school faculty, particularly Jeanne Olmstead for preparing these students so well for high school. Please keep these young people in your prayers as they take the next step in their life journey.  They have navigated many challenges through the pandemic, adding to those that come with adolescence, and they have met these challenges well with a strong foundation of Catholic values and very dedicated teachers who have integrated International Baccalaureate, STEM and inquiry-based learning in to their curriculum.

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