Gala Thanks
So many generous people helped this year’s Gala entitled The Greatest Show to be so successful. First and foremost, this year’s Chairs Cara Morkes and Lauren Hills so creatively led the efforts to make the theme come alive in support of our Parish and Academy. These two very busy Academy moms put their hearts and souls into all aspects of the planning and execution. In a very special way I appreciated how they both shared their personal experiences of Catholic education and the Kairos retreat experience that they both had in high school as just one program that we continue to offer that will benefit from the proceeds of the evening. I thank them from the bottom of my heart.
Our Gala continues to accomplish a goal that I set when I first arrived here at Holy Family sixteen years ago – to host an event that brings our ENTIRE community together to provide equal financial support for our Parish and Academy so that we may carry out our creative and ambitious mission TOGETHER.
Thanks to our Academy and Parish staff for collaborating in making this event exceed our financial goal and our expectations. Thanks to so many volunteers who carry out so many of the details of a great party. Thanks to so many of you who so generously supported the Gala with your time, your presence and financial support. Thanks to Kate O’ Brien (soon to be Doctor O’Brien), our principal, for her leadership of the Academy. Thanks to Bernie Schaeffer and Michael Patti from our parish staff who worked so closely with our chairs, as well as other key Parish and Academy staff for being so attentive to creative details and planning.
Thank you to our very generous Sponsors:
Ringmaster Sponsors
Michael & Melissa Canning
Barbie & Paul Hills
Lion Tamer Sponsor
Tight Rope Walker Sponsor
Cornerstone National Bank and Trust
Juggler Sponsors
Archadeck – Dave & Kristin Berryhill
Brittany & Billy DeGironemo
George Kalantzis Kitten Rescue & Turtle Sanctuary
Lauren & JP Hills
Lashaway Charitable Gift Fund
Smith-Corcoran Funeral Homes – Bob Smith
Mike & Lisa Kelly
Cara & David Morkes
Cobey & Erich Struckmeyer
Acrobat Sponsors
Ahlgrim & Sons Funeral Home and
Cremation Services – Kathy & Jim Ahlgrim,
Lino & Jolene Greco,
Shaun & Amanda Louw
And a multitude of Magician Sponsors
Congratulations to Chad Archer
Chad is this year’s recipient of the Barb and Kurt Knuth Service Award. Chad and his wife Roshny are Academy parents. He has served in several capacities of parish leadership. He has been a part of our Music Ministry, Kid Church and more recently as a coach for Academy sports teams. Chad provides much expertise and support regularly in the loft, enhancing visual aspects of Mass as well as many other areas in support of our parish mission.
Lent 2025 – GROW
We have begun our Lenten journey. This is a journey toward one destination – the new life of Easter. How will you grow in your relationship with God this Lent?
How will you grow…
• In prayer
• In creating a hunger for God through physical fasting
• In your charity or service to those in need
• In your appreciation for the reverence and sacredness of the Eucharist