Holy Family’s 2022 Gala
Our 2022 Gala, Rock Fest, will be held here at Holy Family on Saturday, April 23, and for those of you planning on attending get your tickets soon. There are only 350 available this year and they are selling fast! The funds raised at the Gala support efforts in our parish and academy that would not be possible in our regular budgets. Recently we have upgraded our first responder radio coverage on campus; upgraded streaming, sound and video capabilities in our church and chapel; replaced our original kitchen appliances; enhanced our community outreach efforts; purchased new computers and laptops for Academy students along with a new math curriculum; provided student counseling services, and much more. Join us at the Gala and I guarantee you will have a rockin’ good time.
If you can’t make to this year’s Gala you can still show your support by donating to our ‘May I Have The Envelope Please’ challenge. We have 500 envelopes valued from $1 to $500 available; if we can fill all 500 envelopes with the corresponding donation amount, we will have raised $125,000. You can purchase one or more envelopes on-line at the Gala website, or take an envelope from the board in the Narthex and return it with your donation to the front office. See the Gala page in this Bulletin for more details.
Adventures in Grace
As we continue our Adventures in Grace pilgrimage through the sacred season of Lent, we are encouraging a deeper reflection on the very nature of Mercy for us all. I suggest that getting at the nature of mercy requires two things – to PONDER Mercy and to PURSUE Mercy.
Pondering mercy means to give it some deeper and extended reflection. We are asking some questions as a part of the Penitential Rite at Mass recently. They might help you to ponder.
What motivates our faith? Who are we?
What do we live for?
And I would like to ask the perennially important why – Why should we be merciful, or even why should we receive God’s Mercy? Perhaps these questions can get us started or continue our pondering of the nature of Mercy.
But we should also pursue Mercy. In other words, put it into action. Our pilgrimage has emphasized the importance of smaller sacramental experiences in life that complement the seven major Sacraments that are pillars of our faith. I would like to apply this concept to the pursuit of Mercy. Please consider, and do not underestimate, the smaller acts of kindness and mercy that you may already be doing, or a simple gesture of compassion or support that you could or should do that may significantly impact those who receive it.
Another way to pursue Mercy is to support our Lenten Social Justice Project which is a partnership with Precious Blood Ministries of Restorative Justice in Chicago’s Back of the Yards neighborhood. Please be extra attentive to the video presentation at all Masses this weekend that gives more details about this unique initiative based on radical hospitality. There is a table in the Narthex with materials that also give more information about PBM.
A Few Things to Consider…
Our All Parish Lenten Reconciliation Service is Tuesday, April 5 at 7:00pm in church. As always, this is a service that IS the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It includes music, scripture, an Examination of Conscience, Individual Confession, Penance and Absolution.
Our One in Love Ministry has been meeting regularly via Zoom and that has expanded our reach to people in several states who are looking for advocacy for the LGBT community. This is something we should all be proud of because there are so few faith communities gathering people for discussion, sharing and reflection about LGBT issues.
Palm Sunday will be our next FM multi-generational Mass. I am sure that you will be engaged in a special way and begin Holy Week with this vibrant Mass. I hope you appreciate the amount of work that goes into the planning and execution of these Masses. If you are interested in assisting us, please contact the Liturgical Arts, Family Faith or Academy offices.