Sue Geegan
Our Catholic faith calls us to engage in Prayer, Fasting and Alms-giving for Lent
Prayer – Lent is essentially an act of prayer spread out over 40 days. As we pray, we go on a journey, one that hopefully brings us closer to Christ and leaves us changed by the encounter with him.
Fasting – Fasting is more than giving up a certain food or drink. It is an opportunity to provide an emptiness which allows more space for God to enter our lives and transform us.
Alms-giving – Through prayer and fasting, we grow in solidarity with others living in despair or without basic, adequate resources and turn our attention away from ourselves and to the suffering of our brothers and sisters, no matter where they live. Alms-giving is additional generosity beyond your financial support of Holy Family’s regular operation of our mission and the quality programs offered.
Each Lent since 2014, Holy Family Catholic Community has promoted a Lenten social justice project to support an organization or mission diocese working to address a need within their community. Steeped in Catholic social teaching, we educate the parish about a specific justice issue and offer prayers, fasting, and financial support in solidarity with that community.
Several of those projects have been in partnership with Catholic Extension Society to support mission dioceses throughout the United States and other foreign countries, where the needs are great and the Church is growing. Our efforts have also supported local programs addressing the need for housing, violence prevention, and care for the economically-challenged elderly.
Lenten Social Justice Projects have raised over $734,000.
Scroll down to see a listing of these earlier projects.
2025 Lenten Social Justice Project
Partners for Our Communities (POC) and Faith Feeds Food Pantry
This is a wonderful initiative that directly benefits our local community. Holy Family’s Lenten Social Justice Project focusing on Partners for Our Communities (POC) and the Faith Feeds Food Pantry is a powerful way to address the needs of families and individuals living in the Palatine area.
POC and Faith Feeds are located in the Community Resource Center in Palatine, which is a collaborative effort with Northwest Community Healthcare (now Endeavor Health). The missions of these two organizations are crucial for supporting families, especially with more than 100,000 client interactions at the POC last year and over 2,000 families being served each month through Faith Feeds.
By focusing on learning, praying, and almsgiving, Holy Family can help create a lasting impact in the community. Our financial support, along with raising awareness about the work of POC and Faith Feeds, are powerful ways to support their missions. Volunteering and actively participating in these efforts will strengthen the bonds within the community, providing dignity and hope for families striving for self-sufficiency. This Lenten project is a beautiful reminder that faith in action truly transforms lives, one neighbor at a time.
Stay tuned for more information.
2024 Lenten Social Justice Project
2024 Lenten Social Justice Project
Supporting Catholic Communities to BE MORE:
Great Falls-Billings and Helena, Montana Dioceses
We have raised $113,246 for the mission churches and organizations serving the Native American Reservations in Montana
This Lent, in partnership with Catholic Extension, Holy Family will support people living in the Dioceses of Great Falls-Billings and Helena, Montana. These two dioceses are so expansive they cover 145,000 square miles. Many of the mission churches there were founded by Jesuit missionaries decades ago. Poverty and isolation make accessibility to the bare basics of life very difficult for many people. This beautiful yet rugged terrain includes the Crow, Flathead, and Fort Peck Indian Reservations. People find faith, hope, and community because of dedicated lay and religious women and men ministering to them despite facing many challenges.
Since we more than doubled our targeted goal of $52,000, this will allow for a much greater reach of support to additional Mission churches, especially in the Great Falls-Billings Diocese.
Angela’s Piazza – a women’s drop-in center, is located in Billings, Montana. Located near the expansive Crow Indian Reservation, Angela’s serves over 1,500 women annually. These women find a warm welcome and steady guidance from Sister Mary Dostal. Sr. Mary is one of 38 religious sisters serving this vast Diocese which is home to five tribal nations. Through their many empowerment and companionship programs, they offer parenting classes, addiction recovery groups, domestic violence support groups, and basics – like food and clothing.
Our Lady of Lourdes Mission Church in Poplar, Montana is located on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation in the Great Falls-Billings Diocese. 95% of the people served, which is about 800 people, are Native American. They have one dedicated full-time priest, Fr. Anietie, serving Our Lady of Lourdes as well as 4 additional mission churches. The needs are great in Poplar. Our Lady of Lourdes serves as an important center for the entire community. People come to warm up on a cold day, get warm meals, and clothing, and converse with one another as isolation touches everyone here. There is only one full-time staff person to assist Fr. Anietie with all the duties of running a parish, its programs, and other activities.
St. John Berchmans, Sacred Heart, and St. Ignatius Mission Churches are located on the Flathead Reservation in the Diocese of Helena. Ministries at these three mission churches are predominately led by Native women lay leaders and sisters religious. Megan Callahan is the Religious Education Director and she not only provides religious education to the young people, but she includes a meal every session due to the food insecurity that is so pervasive. Chelsea Arlee works in suicide prevention programs. Montana has one of the highest per capita death by suicide rates – more than double the national average. Native American youth represent more than a third of the state’s total suicides. Sr. Edith focuses on prayer groups and spiritual counseling including grief and other counseling services. Most members of this community have been touched in some way by suicide so she provides a necessary mental health service.
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Fort Benton, MT is a church with a close-knit, dedicated parish family. Father “Mo” is the pastor and provides the sacraments and the Holy Eucharist, along with leadership, guidance, and sharing scriptural insights. As the resident priest, it ensures that even in the bitter winter months – parishioners only have to drive to Fort Benton to attend services. This can be a 30-minute or more commute each way, but parishioners make that drive specifically because of their fondness for their priest and the community that Immaculate Conception has formed. Your gift of $8,000 would be used to help pay Father “Mo’s”; salary, benefits, and expenses – and help to ensure that Fort Benton can maintain a resident priest, thereby maintaining the needs of the community.
Salary and travel for visiting priest at St. Joseph in Harlowton, MT – Salary and travel subsidy for visiting priest to travel about 120 miles each week from White Sulpher Springs, MT to bring mass to 70 people at St. Joseph parish community. Your gift of $3,400 would help cover this expense for an entire year.
Support for Outreach Ministry at St. Paul’s Indian Mission in Hays, MT – Located on the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation, a mission serving the Assiniboine and Gros Ventre Native American Tribes was first established in the late 1800s by the Jesuits. The parish currently has an average collection of just $125. Finding a way to not only maintain a sacramental presence but to find a way to have a more involved daily community presence on the Fort Belknap reservation is one of the top priorities for the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings. With the help of Catholic Extension and the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings, the parish created an outreach ministry. Your support of $10,000 would help assist this ministry.
Support for St. Charles Church in Pryor, MT – The Capuchins attend to the sacramental needs at the parish, but it was built as a Jesuit Mission. Beginning in 1880, Jesuit missionaries began visiting the Crow camps, and by 1887, a permanent mission had been established at St. Xavier in Montana territory. Pryor is a small community in Montana on the Crow Indian Reservation. The 85-family church community is faithful and strong – but they are hoping to grow this faith and the relationships between the Catholic Church and the full community. Recently, they recognized a unique opportunity to build relationships while honoring Veterans. With that in mind, your support is being requested to honor and recognize fifteen (15) retired and active veterans in the Pryor and St Charles communities.
Unfortunately, veterans face many challenges when returning to civilian life. From finding access to housing and employment to struggling with mental health issues, it can be hard to adjust. Tribal veterans have played a significant role in the U.S. Armed Forces throughout history, yet this community often faces unique challenges in accessing the care and support they need after their time in service. St Charles Borromeo recognizes that their parish plays an important role in supporting Veterans and that by holding this ceremony, they can help to bridge some gaps and bring more people to the Church. They want this to be an occasion of showing special love and appreciation to their Veterans and inspire young people to consider going into the service. They also want to demonstrate that Catholicism is a universal language and mission. Your support of $5,000 would help with this outreach for the year.
Past Lenten Social Justice Projects
The 2023 Lenten Social Justice Project marked our 10th since we began in 2014. Our support this year raised $64,935 for Catholic Extension’s Edmundite. for Catholic Extension’s Edmundite Missions in Selma, AL to help fund renovations for the Casey Center for Faith and Community Service. The Casey Center will be the hub for young adults to address social justice issues which are at the heart of Catholic social teachings. This year’s project was no different. Respecting human dignity, preferential treatment of the poor, dignity of work and living in solidarity with all people are at the core of our support for the Edmundite Missions in Selma. Thank you for your generosity and continued prayers. Holy Family’s support to ultimately provide a hand up instead of hand out is a crucial step in breaking the cycle of poverty.
Support the expansion of the Edmundite Missions in Selma, AL. Help build the Casey Center for Faith and Community Service – Integrating Faith, Service and Social Justice.
For more than three generations, the Society of St. Edmund has promoted and championed the healing presence of Jesus Christ through programs that sustain those who are most vulnerable within the Black Belt of Alabama.
The Missions understands that in order to drive long-term change and develop sustainable solutions to the societal deficits inherent to its founding, a networked approach to problem solving must be addressed. A critical component of this networked approach has been maintaining a volunteer program to engage college and university students.
Over the last several years, the Missions has restructured its volunteer program. The longer-term goal is to engage young people in experiential opportunities that both define the role of the individual in community problem solving and to align their “faith” in light of their search for meaning, purpose and societal impact. As such, this program will evolve into a field site for young people to deepen their understanding and commitment to the pursuit of social justice and civic engagement through the lens of Catholic social justice teaching.
As nearly all Catholic colleges and universities maintain “social justice” as the heart of their volunteer programs, the Missions will focus on engaging those institutions where there is a formal social justice program with academic content and where supervising faculty are able to shape such experiential education within a social justice and community engagement context.
In order to grow this program successfully, the Missions must secure sufficient housing for such long-term volunteers, proximate to the work to ensure participant security. That housing must be safe and secure, accommodate male and female volunteers appropriately and include space for supervising professors or group leaders with some amount of personal and professional privacy.
The Missions envisions that this facility, named The Casey Center for Faith and Community Service, would serve as the heart of a dynamic collegiate internship program, accommodating a growing number of institutions of higher education whose students wish to join the Missions’ commitment to service, social responsibility and moral reflection. Currently, there are no facilities in the proximate area that provides the service that will be provided by the Casey Center. The Missions anticipate that the total number of families that are directly served by the increased number of students supporting the programs will be 6,000 families.
2022 Lenten Social Justice Project – Mercy Personified – Raised $56,250.
Holy Family Catholic Community is partnering with Precious Blood Ministry of Reconciliation (PBMR), located in Chicago, serving the neighborhoods of Back of the Yards/New City and Englewood. Their mission is rooted in the spirituality of the Precious Blood to restore human dignity through radical hospitality, hope and healing. They serve youth, families and community members who are impacted by violence and the criminal justice system. PBMR is mercy personified promoting a restorative justice approach to conflict while building a sense of community. Men and women who are currently incarcerated are also supported by their ministry.
How does PBMR provide radical hospitality, hope and healing? PBMR builds relationships among the youth and families impacted by violence. They create safe spaces where people can process trauma and heal. Most, importantly, they promote Restorative Justice as an approach to conflict – versus criminal punishment or incarceration – as a way to restore relationships.
“What if we could create a place that works to build up a neighborhood impacted by violence and incarceration? It would be a place of healing and hope. This place would work towards a more healthy and restorative community where young people and families could thrive.”
– Father David Kelly
This year our Lenten Social Justice Project raised over $56.000. Thank you to our donors who so generously gave support to PBMR and the valuable work they do in their communities. We look forward to a long-lasting partnership with them in providing radical hospitality, hope and healing. For more information about PBMR, visit their website at
Thank you to countless parishioners that participated in our Lenten Social Justice Project benefitting the Little Sisters of the Poor and the residents of St. Joseph’s Home for the Elderly in Palatine. Carloads of goods and supplies were delivered to the Palatine home from the bins that collected the items outside the church doors as well as direct drop offs and Amazon deliveries. Diana at St. Joe’s noted that there was a big increase in donations over those three weeks of our Lenten Project.
We also collected a total of $51,204 in cash donations not to mention gift cards, Costco rebates and Easter Holiday Sharing gift cards for each resident bringing that total to almost $54,000!! THANK YOU on behalf of Holy Family and on behalf of the Little Sisters of the Poor who continue to serve the economically disadvantaged elderly in our community with love and dignity.
We are living in a time that is challenging to our faith practice and our ability to see one another as God’s children. Instead of drawing ourselves to one another in our common goodness, we stand as witnesses to increased divisiveness. Our Catholic social teaching on Solidarity states:
“We are one human family whatever our national, racial, ethnic, economic, and ideological differences. We are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers, wherever they may be. Learning to practice the virtue of solidarity, learning that “loving our neighbor” has global dimensions in an interdependent world. At the core of the virtue of solidarity is the pursuit of justice and peace.”
This Lent, Holy Family will live out the Catholic social teaching of Solidarity more intentionally by supporting The Little Sisters of the Poor at the St Joseph’s Home for the Elderly in Palatine.
The Little Sisters of the Poor are an international congregation of Roman Catholic women religious founded in 1839 by Saint Jeanne Jugan. Together with a diverse network of collaborators, they serve the elderly poor in over 30 countries around the world.
Continuing the work of Saint Jeanne Jugan, their MISSION is to offer the neediest elderly of every race and religion a home where they will be welcomed as Christ, cared for as family and accompanied with dignity until God calls them to himself.
Their VISION is to contribute to the Culture of Life by nurturing communities where each person is valued, the solidarity of the human family and the wisdom of age are celebrated, and the compassionate love of Christ is shared with all.
2019- Kino Border Initiative, Nogales, Arizona/Nogales, Sonora, Mexico and the Holy Family Fund 2018 – Peaceful Pathways, Chicago, IL 2017 – San Miguel Archangel Church, Cuba 2016 – JOURNEYS|THE ROAD HOME 2015 St. Mary’s Mission Church and School 2014 – St. Paul Mission Church in McKee, KY 2019- Kino Border Initiative, Nogales, Arizona/Nogales, Sonora, Mexico and the Holy Family Fund
JUNE NEWS LETTER (click to read)
KBI recently dedicated a brand new building to better serve people fleeing their homeland due to famine or violence. The dedication began with a Love First moment. A woman noticed people walking in her neighborhood with white lips. She knew that meant they were hungry and dehydrated. She saw so many people that she thought all she could do was pray. While continuing to see these people, she then wondered, “How much can it cost to offer them some beans and a cup of water?” That was in 2010. What began with a woman with love for her neighbor in her heart grew to what is now KBI. They began to serve people in a small building holding approximately 100 people at a time. Since 2010, it is estimated 775,000 immigrants have been served by KBI in that small building. This new building with greater capacity allows KBI to provide additional services such as counseling, sleeping quarters and a clothing room.
Because of our donation to fund support services to their visitors, KBI dedicated the Social Services Room in the new facility in Holy Family’s honor.
Holy Family Fund
In August, 2019, nearly 700 workers in chicken processing plants in the Jackson, MS diocese were arrested in ICE raids. Most were of Guatemalan descent. Catholic Extension, with the assistance of Holy Family Parish, has been instrumental in providing resources and aid to local Catholic churches serving these families whose lives were turned upside down in a matter of moments. I had the privilege to be with a few of these families in November as they told stories of what transpired during the raids and how this experience is currently affecting them, their children and their community. Separating children from a parent has long-term psychological effects. To make matters more dire, the children are not allowed to speak about their experience or the experience of their parents in school. The trauma festers with no safe place to talk about fears and concerns. The Holy Family Fund is currently helping hundreds of people affected in the raids by providing clinical counselors to listen and provide practical steps toward healing. This compassionate outreach is crucial for these families to begin rebuilding their lives.
Catholic Extension’s Holy Family Fund
2019 Annual Report
Catholic Extension has long supported ministries to welcome and support immigrants, so it is no surprise that when immigrants endure the traumatic impact of detention or deportation of a breadwinning member of their family, Catholic Extension, through the support of you, our donors, is there to ease their suffering. This past year, Catholic Extension established the Holy Family Fund to assist immigrant families in Extension Dioceses who experience a sudden family separation due to ICE raids, detention and deportations. The title of this program honors our founding partner, Holy Family Parish in Inverness, Illinois, whose generous donations from a Lenten appeal created the fund. The name also honors the Holy Family of Nazareth, Mary, Joseph and the Christ Child. They themselves were a young immigrant family who fled violence and persecution in their homeland. The program provides funds and supportive services to immigrant children and spouses who experience extreme financial insecurity and profound trauma in the wake of these abrupt family separations.
Last August, the largest immigration raid in U.S. history took place in Morton, Mississippi, when 680 residents were detained without notice. Families were shattered. The immigrants, mainly of Guatemalan descent, belonged to poor parishes that Catholic Extension has helped for years. Through the Holy Family Fund, Catholic Extension responded immediately. We provided emergency aid to several parishes, who then reached out to families with humanitarian assistance and eased the chaos. Father Jack Wall, our president, said “Separated families, like the ones in Mississippi, are the human toll of our broken immigration system, which suffers from our nation’s inability to find a common sense legislative solution to this pressing issue.” “Families are the core of our Church and our nation,” he added. “There is no greater thing that we can do for the common good than to strengthen families, including immigrant families. When we break up families, no one wins.”
To date, the Holy Family Fund has extended nearly $125,000 to immigrant families. In addition to donating $80,000 to this fund, Holy Family Parish has extended nearly $300,000 to Catholic Extension from other Lenten campaigns through our Parish Partnership Program. This initiative offers parishes the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of fellow Catholics by connecting them to communities in need.
Jonathan, 8 years old, wrote: “There are many destroyed families, children who are suffering, waiting to see their dad or their mom who are still in detention. We ask you to keep helping people who still have family members in detention. Please do not abandon us. Because we the children are the ones who are suffering the most after the raid on August 7th. Many days have passed and the children still have hope to see their mother or their father come back home. We are very grateful for all that you are doing for us and for the help that you gave to my mom.”
To read Catholic Extension’s 2019 Annual Report, go to

St. Sabina’s Strong Futures and Catholic Charities Peace Corner Youth Center
Strong Futures
Strong Futures began with 61 young men identified with an unmet need in the community. Since Holy Family’s Lenten financial support in 2017, the Strong Futures has provided transportation bus cards to participants who have taken part in their work force development activities on campus and once they found employment they were able to become self-sufficient in getting to and from work. They were also able to assist participants who were homeless with rental assistance for initial move-in. One of the participants, Emoni Atomah, who was recently a victim of senseless gun violence, was a recipient of initial rental assistance and had become self-sufficient and in the process of starting a new job when he was senselessly murdered. Our donation also allowed the program to help young men obtain legal assistance that enabled them to overcome barriers to employment. One young man is now a project manager for The Will Group Inc, a company here in Chicago, and another now works for a company in Wisconsin and is doing well. Our support has also assisted in the rehab of a property that the Strong Futures Program will be moving into in the spring of 2020 to accommodate more young men.
The program was able to service 165 active participants in 2019. As of Dec. 2019, 122 participants or 74% obtained employment and 2 members enrolled in college full time. The Strong Futures program also assisted several individuals with securing permanent housing and is currently looking to expand their participant base, with the goal of 100% full time employment. Producing a positive member to the community and society is what success looks like to Strong Futures and St. Sabina’s would not have been able to accomplish so much since our Project with Holy Family’s help.
The Peace Corner Youth Center
Fr. Maurizio Binaghi of the Comboni Missionaries, saw a need in 2002 and what transpired was the beginning of what is now The Peace Corner Youth Center. It was created as a place where children could be safe to be children. Young people of the neighborhood came to do homework, play pool, and talk to someone about their problems.
Outgrowing its first facility, The Peace Corner began plans for building its permanent home in 2009. The Peace Corner has a computer lab, a fully-equipped classroom, a regulation basketball court, and the respect of the neighborhood under the wing of Catholic Charities.
Holy Family’s financial and in-kind support made it possible for The Peace Corner to update the computer lab, add gaming and purchase new, contemporary furniture in the lobby and craft room. Continued in-kind support brought Back to School supplies and Christmas gifts later that year. Holy Family also assisted with food for a Christmas party to celebrate all the students were accomplishing through mentoring and tutoring. In the future, more innovative programs will be added to continue reaching out to the young people in the Austin neighborhood. Love First is evident at the Peace Corner which is transforming a neighborhood with many challenges into a place for hope.
2017 – San Miguel Arcangel Church, San Miguel de los Banos, Cuba –
San Miguel Arcangel Church, San Miguel de los Banos, Cuba
Significant work has occurred over the last three years to begin to transform the once-dilapidated building into a church. Work already completed includes the demolition of the three-floor bell-tower and lateral naves, repairs to the exterior of the dome, partial restoration of the interior beams of the dome, carpentry work of doors and windows, installment of new windows to the north side of the church, repairs to the interior columns, placement of supporting beams, and repair to exterior walls, as well as partial installation of the electric system.
The journey has not been an easy one for San Miguel Arcángel but a journey that began with Love First. The entire island of Cuba is facing massive shortages of supplies and materials. Cement and gasoline were at a shortage in the country, a problem which was only exacerbated by Hurricane Irma in 2017. Additionally, the lateral naves of the church had to be demolished and reconstructed due to the bad state they were in. Despite the challenges, the parishioners–true to the resilient and determined spirit of the people of Cuba—were able to finally gain access to cement and transport it to San Miguel Arcángel. Now, work on the project is moving forward again, as evident in this encouraging photo. Catholic Extension will continue to monitor the progress of this important project.
It is important to note that this delayed construction process has not been time lost for the people of San Miguel. The community members continue to meet in people’s homes for liturgy and prayer. They know that with Holy Family’s support three years ago, their dream of having a church is slowly becoming a reality. They are patiently waiting in hopeful expectation of the day when they can walk through their church doors again.
Holy Family’s generosity allowed many additional projects to be completed on the island. The pastor of the Cathedral of San Rosendo in the diocese of Pinar del Ro says: “I want to take this opportunity to express our thanks to Holy Family for your project, your help in the restoration and painting of this cathedral. We are so happy. We are thankful and we pray that the Lord may keep blessing you and remain with you always. Many blessings on you and pray for us. Thank you.”
Northwest Suburban PADS, Inc. was created in 1989 and eventually merged with HOPE NOW, Inc. in 1992 to address the growing homeless population in the northwest suburbs. In October of 2001, Northwest Suburban PADS and HOPE NOW legally merged—forming the new agency known as JOURNEYS | The Road Home, a multi-funded, comprehensive service agency with wrap-around services including case management, job counseling, minor medical care, mental health screenings and securing permanent and stable housing.
Holy Family had been PADS site for 16 years at the time of our Lenten project and we understood the importance of reaching out to the homeless population. Our Lenten project increased our parish’s awareness and increased JOURNEYS capacity to serve their clients. It just so happened that in 2016, the number of families facing homelessness was on the rise. This created a new challenge for JOURNEYS to properly serve not only adults, but now the many children caught in the trap of homelessness. Our gift was a huge blessing to the JOURNEYS staff as well as the families being served.
The momentum is continuing as JOURNEYS recently announced they will construct a 3-story, 27,000-square-foot facility adjacent to their current building, which will eventually be demolished. The new structure will have first-floor offices, 42 beds for PADS clients to use overnight on the second level and 11 permanent, affordable supportive living apartments on the third story.
As affordable housing options diminish in our area, JOURNEYS provides the care and dignity to individuals and families facing homelessness during their time of struggle. Holy Family Parish and its parishioners are a beacon of light to our neighbors, especially our neighbors in need. For more information about JOURNEYS, go to
Fr. Jerry Rogers’ approach brought rich Catholic traditions to the Reservation and merged them with rich Native American rituals. Since his arrival at Red Lake, the people of St. Mary’s Church and the local community have embraced him for his love and commitment to them through all their ups and downs.
Holy Family’s Lenten Project supported a Pastoral Associate at St. Mary’s Mission and School, which increased outreach to vulnerable children and families. These positions still exist at the parish. A three-year grant to the diocese supports a Grant Writer position which generated a total of $390,000 in grant funding during that period to ensure greater sustainability of the parish and school. Holy Family’s investment in this position continues to have impact.
Feedback from the school in 2018: “St. Mary’s Mission School has successfully raised the level of reading and math in our students. An area which we lacked in was technology. [With] one of the grants received, we were able to purchase iPad, Chrome books and Smart Boards for the students and teachers. Karen B., one of the parents, remarked, ‘I am so thankful, our students have the technology needed, so when they leave St. Mary’s they are not behind.’ We have done an excellent job in reading and math, and our kids are ahead of the public school when they leave St. Mary’s.”
Here is another quote from a report we received in June 2019: “Our students and the children of Red Lake live in households that are very high risk. They have been exposed to more than the average child should or does experience in their lives. St. Mary’s gives our students consistency, love, guidance along with the education. These children know they are safe and have no trouble expressing this.”
On a sad note, in December 2017, the church was completely destroyed by a fire (the school building was not impacted). The community is sticking together in spite of losing their worship space. They are currently working on a plan to rebuild. Fr. Jerry Rogers is, as always, optimistic and said, “Out of the ashes will rise a new church.”
Rebecca fell in love with the people living in McKee, Ky, especially at St. Paul Mission Church. She was open to doing what was needed knowing that God uses everyone for something and He always teaches us through others. Through that lens, she gained a perspective on the importance of diversity in the parish. It made her want to continue to work in the Church. She never felt alone and they felt like family.
Rebecca shared: “I never thought about or felt any different as a woman and lay person (doing pastoral work) because Sister Mary had been in charge for so long before there was a pastor. That is the beauty of St. Paul. They are like family and it’s “everybody’s church.” Working with Sister gave me a perspective on religious sisters, and I loved the level of care they gave to everyone. We all carried different roles and experienced God in each one. “
One unique program Rebecca started was to make granola and sell it to visitors coming to McKee as it is a favorite place for hikers because of the sheer beauty of the mountains. It was a way to create new jobs in a town devastated by the demise of the coal industry. She has been in contact with a businesswoman in Jackson county, KY that currently runs a cheesecake business. She is considering taking on the Mountain Made granola product since the license is in Lexington. We hope to learn more about the finalizing of terms soon.
With support from Holy Family, Rebecca increased both social and pastoral outreach to this very poor community. After faithfully serving in the community for eight years, Rebecca Woods made the decision to transition out of the parish. However, she created a strong foundation for a new lay leader, Rebecca Nixon, to succeed her in this important ministry. We wish Rebecca Woods the very best in her new role as a case manager with the Indiana Dept. of Child Services and as a new mom. We look forward to hearing more about St. Paul’s programs and the progress of Mountain Made granola from Rebecca Nixon while keeping both Rebecca’s in our prayers.