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“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
Matthew 18:20

What is an SCC?
An SCC is a small gathering of people that meet regularly sharing the adventures of life and faith, fully aware that Christ is with them on the journey.
Who are we and what do we do?
Today, there are over 300 individuals involved in over 30 SCCs. The makeup of our SCCs cover all age ranges, beginning with teens. Group make-up consists of men, women, singles, mixed, couples, parents, and widows. There is an SCC for everyone interested in enhancing their spiritual life by being part of a small community, focusing on a variety of topics:

• Sunday Scripture readings (Lectionary-based)
• General Spirituality (Discussion of books, videos, themes chosen by the group)
• Contemplative Prayer
• Bible Study (Books of the Bible and biblical themes)
• The writings of Fr. Richard Rohr
• Beloved Retreat (For those who have participated in a Beloved Retreat)
• Parent/Family Spirituality
• Catholic Social Teaching and Creation Spirituality

Top Five Reasons to Join an SCC:
1. Grow in faith together and individually, connecting that faith to everyday life and realizing that Grace surrounds us at all times.
2. Gain new insights into the Scriptures and our Catholic Tradition
3. Be part of a small faith community that supports and cares for each other.
4. Enhance the celebration of the Sunday Eucharist with the larger Holy Family Community.
5. Assure the on-going renewal of the Body of Christ.

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