Labor Day 2023

Labor Day

As Americans, we designate this late summer weekend to one of the principles of Catholic Social Teaching—the dignity of work. Many of you have heard my passion for work based on the primary philosophy that I have—namely

Our Work is God’s Work.

In the Gospel this weekend Jesus admonishes Peter because he is thinking “humanly” as opposed to “divinely.” I believe a powerful response that we can have to this particular challenge by Jesus is to look at our work as God looks at our work – not simply its human impact, but how our work gives us purpose, creates, enables us to see the larger impact for an organizational mission and our own purpose in life. Consider that God is working through you in the best endeavors, efforts and labors of life.

Kid Church

The energy of Kid Church 2.0 was great last weekend.  This lay led prayer service at 9:00am in our Chapel once a month for families with children under the age of 5 has returned. Our dedicated founding parents have generously offered to lead the first four Kid Church services, but we are in need of new couples to step up and lead this very exciting ministry.  We will give you materials, lessons plans, music and more resources. Please contact Karen McHale in the Family Faith office if you are interested or would like to learn more.

Special FM (Family Mass) September 17

Our first FM of the year will be a special one for several reasons. First, we are thanking Dr. Peg Hanrahan for her many years of leadership and service in our Family and Teen Faith Ministries. 

Secondly, we will have FM at 11:00am instead of 9:00am. Please take note of the change and plan on joining us for a reception following in the courtyard where you can offer Peg your more personal good wishes.

Thirdly, we will bless and commission Catechists who teach and share their faith with our younger parishioners

Enhance Your Reception of the Word at Mass

Because we do not have missalettes for weekend Masses, some have wondered how we can listen to the scripture readings better. I ALWAYS and CONSISTENTLY encourage all people to read the scriptures BEFORE coming to Mass. In the spirit of Vatican II, Catholics are encouraged to learn more about scripture. I highly recommend an App called Laudate.  Laudate is FREE and enables you to read the scriptures for Mass anytime.  There are several hard copy books also available. A little research on your part and simply reading the readings before Mass will greatly enhance your appreciation and reception of the Word of God at Mass. God’s Word during the celebration of the Eucharist is ideally PROCLAIMED by a proclaimer and not read. I realize that many of you are more visual learners so, again, anything you can do to read these selected passages ahead of time will deepen your worship experience.

The scriptures – all four of them, (two Old Testament readings including the sung Psalm and two New Testament passages, usually an Epistle from St. Paul and a Gospel passage that directly refers to Jesus) drive the theme for any Mass.

Please give it a try – read the Word of God in scripture BEFORE Mass.

Knuth Distinguished Service Award

You will notice a very nice permanent depiction of the Barb & Kurt Knuth Distinguished Service Award in the Narthex of our church. It will soon be beautifully displayed and thus acknowledge both the example of their dedication to Holy Family and those who serve as they have served.

Holy Family’s PADS Program is returning this Fall!

Due to the many people responding to our plea to increase PADS volunteers, we will be opening our PADS site beginning October 1. Holy Family parishioners stepped up to the plate in amazing fashion with a willingness to put their faith into action serving homeless individuals in our community.


The Marian Ministry monthly rosary will be recited before (at 4:10pm) the Saturday, September 9, 5:00pm Mass and after the Sunday September 10, 9:00am Mass.

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