January 15th, 2023

BEHOLD! What a great word. My friend and theologian Jack Shea says, “Behold initiates revelation.” Think about all of the times this word is used in scripture and at Mass. Reflect for a minute on all that follows when we see and hear this word. You have probably heard me share my appreciation of this word before.

In this week’s Gospel, John the Baptist uses it to initiate the revelation of a deeper identity for Jesus. He is the Lamb of God. He is the Son of God. John says these things because the deeper identity of Jesus has been revealed to him and to us. John doesn’t just see Jesus; he understands who Jesus is. Perhaps all we have to do is behold the Lord and revelation will follow.

Behold what is coming here at Holy Family


One of the most important resources for revelation through sharing grace in its many and everyday offerings is to either join or start a Small Christian Community-Gathering in Grace. We are now adding an emphasis on Grace to supplement the strong history of Small Christian Communities here at Holy Family. The video that featured sharing by Karen Brady, Chester Trocha and Bob Patchak at all Masses this past weekend gave you a deeper glimpse of how simple it is to join and participate in an SCC-GIG. If you missed it, watch it anytime this week on our website. There will be an orientation session on Tuesday, January 24 at 7:00pm in church to give you more information. Please come. Invite others to join you. Grow in Grace.

Here are the Top Five Reasons to Join a SCC-GIG:

•  Grow in faith with others and individually by connecting faith with everyday life and realizing that Grace surrounds us at all times

•  Gain new insights into the scriptures and our Catholic tradition

•  Be part of a small community that supports and cares for each other

•  Enhance the celebration and encounter with Christ and others in the Eucharist

•  Assure the ongoing renewal of the Body of Christ

Other Grace Offerings

•  Our ongoing Tenderness series continues on Tuesday, January 31 at 7:00pm in church with Tenderness Toward Creation led by Dan Huntsha, North and West Chicago Suburbs Outreach Director of Faith in Place.

•  Bill and JoAnne McElroy will return to Holy Family on Saturday, January 21 from 9:00am-3:00pm for a Contemplative Day of Prayer: Awakening to the Presence of God.

•  Look for continued Grace offerings through our annual parish Mission in March and other Tenderness presentations in the spring.

•  Look for another Lenten Social Justice Project in collaboration with the Catholic Extension Society

Save the date for the 2023 Holy Family Gala

Come and celebrate everything 80’s at our 2023 Holy Family Parish Gala on Saturday, March 18 at Concorde Banquets in Kildeer. Tickets and more information are available now at hfgala.org.

We Want to Hear From You

Through the efforts of members of our Pastoral Table, parishioners who gather regularly to discuss and offer advice, we have created a survey designed to get your feedback on a few important issues. We are particularly interested in feedback from younger adults ages 20-35. You will be sent an email with a Survey Monkey questionnaire that will take approximately five minutes to complete. We sincerely want your honest feedback. Our door is open to you and your experiences. Your responses will assist us in more effectively providing spiritual enrichment, service opportunities and more. If we do not have an updated (or any) email address for you, please contact Jean Swenson on our staff at jswenson@holyfamilyparish.org and she will get the survey to you. The more feedback we receive, the more we can grow as a faith community.

FM (Family Mass)

Our next FM multi-generational Mass will be next Sunday, January 22 at 9:00am. Encourage several generations of your family to join us for a sacred encounter with Jesus Christ and others here at Holy Family.

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