Does the Catholic Church allow home schooling for Religious Education? 

Yes! The Second Vatican Council document on Christion education, Gravissimun Educationis, states that parents, society, and the Church all have a duty regarding the education of children, but that the primary and principal duty belongs to parents. 

Families who home school for religious education are asked to:

  • Use catechistical materials provided by the parish. We provide you with a book and lesson plans. The book series we use is Finding God by Loyola Press.  Each week there are;
    • A parent portion, which was included to help you prepare yourself to work with your child on the topic for that week.
    • A music section to supplement the topic,
    • A Presentation on the topic, which includes your lesson plan and additional videos
    • Learning Tasks – you will have 3 tasks to turn in each week
    • Prayer
  • Your child will complete the interactive session review and turn it in electronically, complete the workbook pages and turn those in, and also answer another discussion question.

  • The materials are presented through Flipgrid, which allows kids to easily record a video of themselves answering the discussion question.

  • There are 24 Home Faith Sessions. If you chose Hybrid, you would complete 16 session at home then attend the 8 Family Masses. Home faith kids are also invited (but not required) to attend our 4 festivals (which are interactive learning opportunities).

  • Your lessons can be found on the Holy Family Website. Click on the Family Faith tab then click Education, and then click Grades 1-6.  You will find the button for lesson plans on that page. 

  • Participate in the Sunday assembly on a regular basis. WHY? Liturgy in the parish community is where the proclamation of the Gospel begins and where we, regardless of age, are invited to conversion and to follow Christ.

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