Here is what you may have missed…

Our PADS hosted 1,013 guests over 31 weeks, with volunteers donating more than 2,800 hours to serve 2,986 meals.
The Holy Family PADS ministry is true example of how passionate our community can be. In early October a call went out for PADS linens. The response from our community was so overwhelming that after just a few hours PADS had more than enough linens to last the entire year.
Holy Family supports our community by hosting a PADS site on Sunday evenings from October 1 to April 30, 7:00 pm to 7:00 am. Our guests are registered Journeys | The Road Home clients. They sleep on foam mattresses with clean sheets, blankets and pillows and receive dinner, breakfast and a sack lunch. Holy Family volunteers set-up, serve meals, oversee the site’s activities, donate and prepare meals, wash kitchen towels, put away laundered bedding and clean-up.