Happy Mother’s Day to all of our mothers and women who play a motherly role in the life of others. I have come to deeply appreciate the statements, “Give birth” and “Give Life.” They both flow from but are not limited to the physical act of childbirth.
The word “give” is a huge part of both statements. Obviously, as life begins in the womb, and then when a child separates from mother physically, there are endless possibilities for that new life to give life to others. A gift is given and then gives more.
We all know the feeling of energy that comes from a person who gives life to others in ways beyond childbirth. Their energy and enthusiasm are uplifting. They too are giving and enhancing life. Giving birth and giving life are acts where the physical and the spiritual of our one world can come together. Unfortunately, at times, all of us can zap or take life from others for a variety of reasons. We all know how that feels.
Not all gifts are appreciated so not all acts of giving are recognized, but where the spiritual and physical giving come together, grace can explode and life as we know it can break open very powerfully. As I so often say, it becomes more.
You have probably heard me quote my friend and great theologian, Jack Shea, who says, “In the physical realm, when we give something to someone, we lose it. In the spiritual realm, when we give something to someone, it becomes more.”
Jesus is the great example of this, and in so many scripture passages he demonstrates this “more” as he gives. The story of Jesus feeding 5,000 is the prime example. Shea also says, “When Jesus comes on the scene, there is always more” – more compassion, more hope, more forgiveness, more love – more life.
Let’s be grateful this weekend, and always, for so many women who give birth and give life, because they have collectively made our world so much more. Let us give thanks for women who give life with their energy, talent, creativity, tenderness, gentleness, strength, generosity and love – and have made our world so much more by doing so.
As I continue to write extensively about work, I am amazed at how prevalent the word is in our culture and in scripture. This week’s scripture includes a line from the Gospel that refers to work and the works of Jesus more than the other, from the Gospel of John.
We hear Jesus say, “Whoever believes in me will do the works that I do. (John14:11) It is my very strong contention that we are urged to work like God and that our work really is an extension of God’s work. The question is, do we believe that?
I am inspired by and blessed by so many life-giving women. They fill my journey. They include my three sisters-in-law, Sharon, Mickie and Mieko; my nieces; my great niece; my friends and colleagues; and so many of you who make Holy Family holy.
Your faith, your belief has already enabled you to do the works of God. Your faith in Jesus Christ and your faith in God so often come together in such a seamless way and make you give life. It also happens so often that you are probably unaware that your faith is leading you to do God’s work. So many of you give birth. So many of you give life, and from us who are the recipients of that life, thank you for making the world so much more. Thanks for giving life.
Meditations and Guided Meditation
Soon I will make some meditations and calming prayer experiences available via Facebook. Many have voiced a need for some calming prayer recently. As I am reflecting on very busy motherly women in the world, some of you can benefit from a little calm amidst your hectic life.
Tune in With Terry
I am also offering a series of 20 minute presentations on various topics with 20 minutes of discussion to follow, calledTune in With Terry. They will be offered Tuesday mornings and Thursday evenings. Look for details in our email blasts and on our website.
Again, Happy Mother’s Day!