Kristen & Terry

Gratitude, Reconciliation and Support

Kristen & TerryEvery year at this time the Archdiocese of Chicago honors parishioners who give of themselves and their talents to serve in parish ministries across entire Archdiocese.  These honors come in the reception of the Christifidelis Award, which takes place at Holy Name Cathedral in a ceremony led by Cardinal Cupich.  He, along with the six Auxiliary Bishops, congratulate all awardees. This past Sunday I was honored to accompany Holy Family’s recipient, Kristen Berryhill, her husband David, her son Andrew and daughter Lauren as she received the 2017 Christifidelis Award.  Kristin and her family have served primarily in our Music and Worship Ministering Community. She not only sings, but she helps to coordinate much of our worship music and assists brides and grooms on the selection of, and often the singing of, their wedding music. Kristin adds her warm smile and generous spirit to just about everything musical here at Holy Family and exudes a sense of prayerfulness to every liturgy she sings in. David serves as a Eucharistic Minister.  Andrew serves in the loft and Lauren often sings with her mother.

In addition, at the same ceremony there are a group ministers who are given the Bishop Quarter award.  Where Christifidelis honors parishioners in each parish, only one person in each of the six vicariates receives the Bishop Quarter award. Marta Robak from our staff was one of them.  Marta ministers in our Family Faith Ministering Community, but through both Holy Family and her parish, St. Ferdinand on the north side of Chicago, she has used her many talents and boundless energy to serve the poor.  She has traveled to Jamaica each of the past nine years with containers of supplies for the most needy.  She has also directed outreach programs here in Chicago to benefit the 120 students attending Divine Mercy School in Kenya.  All totaled, Marta has organized and participated in 28 mission trips to foreign countries in the past 11 years and is the leader of Chicago Missionaries for the Poor Support Team.  We congratulate her, her husband Mariuscz, and her children Alex and Emelia. Join me in thanking both Kristen and Marta, who are strong examples of service, and who do so much to advance our mission and to build the kingdom here and beyond.

Reconciliation is a sacred experience.  Jesus knew this and that is why we attribute the start or institution of the Sacrament of Reconciliation to him. We wish to offer MORE times for people to take advantage of the Sacrament. As of January 1 we will offer Reconciliation every Wednesday from 6-6:45 pm in the Reconciliation Room in the back of church. This is the one-on-one experience of the Sacrament that is referred to as Form A.  The entire rite is individual and one-on-one with the priest.  We believe that this is an appropriate time to offer Reconciliation because it precedes our evening Mass EVERY Wednesday at 7 pm. We will continue to offer Form B (a Reconciliation Service similar to what we offer in Advent and Lent, which includes a scripture reading, brief homily, group Examination of Conscience and praying the Act of Contrition, and then individual confession and absolution) on the first Saturday of each month in the chapel at 4 pm. THIS FORM IS FULLY APROVED BY THE CHURCH AND IS THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION. In addition, the Sacrament is always offered by appointment and as a group service during the seasons of Advent and Lent.  In addition, other local parishes offer the sacrament at various times on Saturdays, but no other parish will offer it at 6 pm on Wednesdays. Please note that our current Reconciliation schedule will remain in effect until January 1. After that THERE WILL BE NO SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION OFFERED ON THE SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH AND FIFTH SATURDAYS OF EACH MONTH AT 4 PM.

It is not too early to mark your calendars for our 2018 Gala on Saturday, February 24 at Concorde Banquets in Kildeer.  This year’s theme is “La Grande Ball de Versailles.”  The evening will spark images of 18th century France and will feature spectacular entertainment, great food and drink, dancing, exciting live and silent auction items, a cash class or Paris raffle, plus a live auction.  All of these express the vibrant spirit of Holy Family and proceeds benefit all aspects of the mission of our Academy and parish. Please consider supporting the Gala in many ways, including attending, donating an item to the auction, becoming a sponsor, becoming a table captain to fill out a table of 10, and collaborate with friends to pool your resources to bid on one of the spectacular live auction items.  If you are curious as to what to wear and for more information, go to our Gala website at

Our Gospel passage according to Matthew this weekend tells of Jesus’ direct criticism of the behavior of the religious authorities of his time.  He respects the tradition that they represent, but he strongly encourages his disciples NOT to follow their example. The final line of the passage helps distinguish between personal humility and personal exaltation. But this statement builds on the previous line that connects greatness and service.  As a good friend of mine often says about life, “Just work as hard as you can and the rest will take care of itself.”  Obviously, we can all work as hard as we can and in the process ignore our family or loved ones, and thus live a life that is out of balance.  The gospel message encourages us to serve and be humble and not even worry about titles such as ‘Great’ or ‘Exalted.’  In other words, let’s do what we can to serve humbly and let the rest take care of itself.  The rest, I believe, is in God’s hands.

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