GLOW — Growing Leaders Through Outreach and Witness

We are a new group in the 2019-2020 school year made up of high school seniors who want to make a difference in people’s’ lives. Our goals are to be role models for others and to inspire faith in younger kids. 

This year we will be running two retreats with Family Faith. The first one is an Ignite retreat from February 1st to 2nd. It will include new faith formation experiences as well as a glow party. The second one is a retreat for sophomores, juniors, and seniors February 22nd to 23rd. This will also include faith experiences but also a live praise and worship band. Both of these retreats will take place at Holy Family. 

GLOW will be doing service projects in the upcoming months. Our first one is making fleece blankets for those struggling with stable housing. Teens can join us at Faith on Fire March 15th to make the blankets. Further information about distribution will be forthcoming. If you would like to donate fleece, please drop it off in the container in the Narthex coat closet. *Donations need to be 2 1/2 yards to 3 yards in length. 

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