At the Gala on March 9th Fr. Terry made an appeal to those attending in a video message that highlighted the work that hundreds of volunteers and staff do every day to support the mission of Holy Family. We encourage you to watch his message and instead of raising your bidder paddle you can support the Gala by making a cash donation HERE
Nobel Prize
Melissa & Michael Canning
Stanley Cup
Anonymous Donor
Pulitzer Prize
Care Roofing – Michael Zuccaro
Cornerstone National Bank
Smith-Corcoran Funeral Homes
Triple Crown
JP Hills to the Triple Crown
Peter & Paula Fasseas Foundation (Paws Chicago)
Struckmeyer Family
Archadeck (David & Kristen Berryhill)
Green Jacket
Mechanical24 Inc.
Linda Longmeyer – Berkshire Hathaway Stark Real Estate
Ahlgrim & Sons Funeral and Cremation Services
Beth & Mike McMahon
Donna & Tim Madel
Thank you to all who participated in our Pre-Gala Raffle!

There are many champions in our midst! Whether you are a Catechist, Teacher, Parent Association volunteer, Ministry volunteer, a Knight of Columbus or any other active member of our community – you are a Champion!
This year the Gala will return to Concorde Banquets and as your Gala Chairs – we hope to provide you an evening not easily forgotten. Great company and food, entertainment and dancing, fun and frivolity will abound. The theme of the evening is A Night for Champions. Come dressed for an awards show, the Kentucky Derby, or as your favorite team booster. Get your friends together and create a theme for your table.
Throughout the evening, we wish to highlight the everyday champions that surround us. Gala supporters will have an opportunity to send us a picture of themselves as a champion. Whether you currently are a Holy Family volunteer, or were in Sports, Scouting, Band or Drama Club, we want to know your story. Let us all reminisce about your glory years. Have fun with it!
Holy Family has been our home for 30+ years. Our 3 children participated in Family and Teen Faith programs from age 3 (Spirit Camp} through 18 (Kairos). Currently, Scott is the head usher and Jean is on Holy Family staff. The success of the Gala contributes to the continued financial success of both Holy Family Parish and Holy Family Catholic Academy. Please join us for this evening of FUN and FUNdraising.
Your Gala 2024 Chairs,
Jean and Scott Swenson

Want to be a sponsor?
Can I ask to sit with my friends at the gala?
Yes, you can request ahead of time to be seated with certain guests. When buying tickets identify your group name.
How many can be seated at a table?
10 guests
Can I buy a full table of 10?
Yes, please purchase your tickets or full tables of 10. There are also sponsorship opportunities which provide a table of 10
How can I buy an ad for the gala program booklet and what are the dimensions of the ad space?
Please contact the front office for purchase of Ad space. The dimensions are: full page is 8.5” x 11” portrait and half page is 5.5” x 8.5” which we offer ads in either color or black and white.
Can I donate items for the Silent Auction?
Yes – we rely on the generosity of our parish to make this event happen. You can visit our Silent Auction Wishlist for more information
How can I become a volunteer for the evening or help with the setup of the night?
Please feel free to email the chairs to volunteer your services, which would be greatly appreciated, and let them know your are interested. Jean & Scott Swenson, 2024-Gala@holyfamilyparish.org
How often does HFP have this gala?
This is an annual gala that is the most important fundraising event for the parish and academy
Who is invited?
Everyone, please purchase your tickets at the top of this page.
Will valet be available at the gala?
Will there be a coat check available?
Will there be a cocktail hour?
Yes, that starts at 6 PM and appetizers will be served.
How long does the gala go until?
The gala ends at midnight.
Will there be live and silent auctions items?
Yes, we will have many different and exciting live and silent auction items that evening.
Will there be a paddle raise during the evening?
Yes, there will be a paddle raise with monetary options to donate.
Do I need to bring cash?
No, we will have Credit Card Options available for settling your account at the end of the night. If you can bring or a check for payment – your entire purchase will be donated as HFP will not have to pay a fee for the CC purchase.
Who is the band that will be playing at the gala?
The Blue Water Kings 9 piece band
What type of music will the band play?
A wide variety
What is the theme?
The theme for the gala “A Night for Champions”.
What to wear?
Please visit see the images above for an ideas of what to wear.
What will be served for dinner?
Filet Mignon w/ Bordelaise Sauce, Norwegian Salmon, or Vegetarian Tower over Quinoa.
Will there be a Gluten Free Option?
Yes, any of the entrees can be prepared gluten free. Please request at the time of ticket purchase.
Will there be a full bar?
Yes – there will be bars open during the Cocktail Hour and during the first 30 minutes and final 3 hours of the dinner. House wines will be served with dinner.
Can I buy upgraded wine during the event for dinner?
Yes, there will be a selection of wine for purchase that evening in addition to the house wines.
Will there be late night snacks?
Yes, mini hotdogs and hamburgers.
Will Father Terry be at the gala?
Yes, Father Terry will be there
Is this an event that children can attend?
No, this is an adult evening.