Fr. Terry’s Weekly Letter 9/6/20

Isn’t there something nice about sharing an experience with another person? It can be comforting if it is a relatively insignificant thing and, particularly if it is very powerful thing, can provide tremendous bonding. We all must develop a personal relationship with God, but as I call it, the God of the Gathering, an experience that reveals God in a sacred way as well, the God of two or more. The public and private moments of the Holy Spirit work to complement each other in recognizing how God is manifest in our midst.

This week’s Gospel from Matthew ends with a quote from Jesus, “Where two or three are gathered, there am I in their midst.” This simple line illustrates that the gathering doesn’t always have to be a large one, such as at Mass. However, I believe the God of the Gathering is most significantly manifest when we, God’s people, gather to realize Christ’s Real Presence in song, in breaking open the stories of Scripture, in receiving the Body and Blood of Christ—in these and more that make up the Eucharist.

In these Covid days we have splintered off into small groups, mostly of family members who live together. This provides safety and health in fighting a pandemic. There are limitations in our smaller groups, but there are also opportunities.  In these times of smaller, distanced gatherings we can heighten our appreciation of God’s presence with us in the two, three and four or so.

Our Holy Family Catholic Academy is off to a great start during this unique year. We have a combination of students, faculty and administration coming here to our campus, and e-learners at home. Our faculty has shown tremendous flexibility and creativity in responding to our families’ needs.  Because of the dedication and diligence of Kate O’Brien, our principal, and our faculty and staff, our students are happy to be with their friends and safe and healthy while they are here.

I am amazed as I have visited classrooms and talked with teachers how compliant our students are while wearing masks and having to eat lunch in their classrooms. I am very proud of their respect for the protocols and procedures that are in place. I am also very inspired by both faculty and students who are seizing this unique opportunity to learn in a different way and to give honest feedback regarding procedures and activities that are simply not promoting vehicles for learning. Our maintenance staff has both provided and constructed various pieces of equipment that add to the healthy environment of our school.

Drop-off and pick-up procedures were very time consuming the first couple of days but are more efficient now while continuing our safety protocols.

Racism Education

In our commitment to address many issues of racism in our world, we will continue to provide resources for you both here in my article every week and in Sue Geegan’s Human Concerns articles as well, in addition to those found on our website. Just below our parish statement on the sin of racism is a bar marked “Click here to view our Educational Resources.” I’m sure you will find these resources helpful.

One way to begin this information sharing is defining key terms. A second click under the Educational Resources on Definition of Terms (click to view) will give you the definition of many words related to racism.  They include:

Ally — A person of one social identity group, who stands up in support of members of another group, typically of a dominant group standing beside members of a group being discriminated against or treated unjustly.

I would like to remind all of you that we continue to provide a very prayerful taped Mass each week.  You can watch this Mass on any device and access it in our website. In the midst of limitations and fears that many have during this pandemic, please make every effort to pray along with this vehicle of prayer.  Stay with the Mass, allow yourself to be led in prayer and lessen your concern that it is not a “live” Mass. I am not aware of any other parish that provides the creative and prayerful elements that Gene Garcia creates in this taped Mass. That makes it a special vehicle for the Holy Spirit. Thank You.

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