FLAME (Catechesis – High School)

Maureen Cochran
Phone: 847-907-3446
Email: mcochran@holyfamilyparish.org

FLAME stands for Friendship, Leadership, Acceptance, Ministry and Education.  It is designed for high school teens who want to further their understanding and knowledge of the Catholic faith.  We meet on Sunday evenings starting at 5:15pm with small groups led by adult facilitators and Peer Ministers.  Our small groups are current, in touch with everyday life and flexible to meet the different needs of each group. FLAME sessions are one component of “Celebrating the Spirit”, the Holy Family Confirmation preparation program. FLAME has two retreats, one for each year of the program.  See Links section for more information on retreats.

Link to “Confirmation Page- Celebrating the Spirit

FLAME I Retreat (in person January 13/14, 2024, Woodstock, IL)

Putting the pieces together: How life & faith connect – An Online Individual Confirmation Retreat

FLAME II Retreat (in person November 11/12, 2023, Woodstock, IL)

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