February 5th, 2023

Salt and Light

We heard the beginning of the great Sermon on the Mount last weekend, but we will hear the remainder of it over the next three weekends. These further passages from the fifth chapter of Matthew will conclude this seven-week period of Ordinary Time leading us up to Lent beginning with Ash Wednesday on February 22.

The sermon is the focal point of the entire Gospel of Matthew which we will hear most of this year. This weekend we hear a beautiful affirmation of Jesus to the disciples, “You are salt…and light.” I have often reflected on the complementary nature of these two images. Salt gives flavor and Jesus cautions that if the flavor is lost, salt becomes worthless. Similarly, if light is covered up, or not put in the optimum position, it is not helpful.

We can hear the same personal message from the Lord. We can be salt to the world with a flavor that is uniquely ours. Consider spending some time identifying your talents and the special qualities that make you – you. Also, consider that God has created you as a distinctive person and how that coincides with the special needs of our world. As you respond to those needs, your salt will not lose flavor.

Consider the light that you can bring to other world and community needs based on your interests, passions and convictions. In that manner, your light will not be covered up, but rather benefit the room that is our world.

New Ministries

Food Pantry and Creation Care are two new Human Concerns Ministries that were approved by Pastoral Table last week. In partnership with All Saints Lutheran Church and St. Thomas of Villanova, Holy Family will hold monthly food drives to provide meals for their mobile pantry that serves over 500 local families each month. The Creation Care Ministry mission is to remind us of our common home and responsibilities shared to care for it and all who live on this planet. Watch the bulletin and website for more events coming up.

Because of your generosity we collected 1100 items in our first food drive this past weekend. Look for your opportunity to donate each month. See the website and Sue Geegan’s articles in our bulletins. We have two immediate opportunities to follow up on Dan Huntsha’s Tenderness Toward Creation presentation. First, we are forming a Creation Care team and secondly, we will offer a movie entitled The Letter: A Message for our Earth on Thursday, February 9 at 7:00pm in Common Ground. For more information, contact Sue at sgeegan@holyfamilyparish.org.

J. S. Paluch

For 110 years the J.S. Paluch Company has assisted parishes, including us here at Holy Family, in fulfilling a mission to communicate with parishioners and to enhance the worship experience. John Stanislaus Paluch had the foresight to establish the company right here in Chicago (Franklin Park). His initiative soon spread across the Archdiocese of Chicago and the country.

The Covid 19 pandemic and many other challenges have forced the company to pivot directions several times in recent years, all with the goal of continued quality service. Now J. S. Paluch has reached an agreement with Liturgical Publications Inc. (LPI) to purchase our account and begin printing our bulletin beginning this week.

Please join me in thanking Bill and Mary Lou Rafferty, her parents, Chester and Margaret (Mickey) Paluch and her grandparents John Stanislaus and Martha Paluch for three generations of dedication to the Church.

Beyond parish communication resources, Paluch has generously supported seminary programs and recognition awards for ministry in our Archdiocese. On a personal note, the Paluch family have become very good friends of mine since my days as a Vocation Director. The company sponsored gatherings for Vocation Directors and assisted us in helping people discern a calling to priesthood, religious life and lay ministry.

I would also like to thank Paula Nowicki from our staff who has worked with Paluch for many years – each and EVERY week – to produce our bulletin here at Holy Family. Let us all thank Paula for navigating the transition to LPI.

Thank you, Paula; and thank you, J. S. Paluch!!

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