Faith Programs Grades 1-5

The evidence is in!

Parents are the most significant and lasting influence on the religious and spiritual development of young people. This influence in not only formative when children are young, it continues to guide their children for the rest of their lives.

Catholic Identity becomes rooted in children’s lives through the day-to-day religious practices of the family, the ways parents model their faith through their personal involvement in Church life and Sunday worship, and through their conversations with their children.

We are pleased to offer options to families of students in grades 1-5. Please take a few minutes to read through the options below, discerning what is best for your family.

Registration will be open here July 1 through September 1 for the 2024-2025 school year.

Faith Formation

Option 1 for Grades 1-5

FIRE Family Involved Religious Education

We are excited to present a new program for families of students in grades 1-5. We are calling the program FIRE, which stands for Family Involved Religious Education, and we are ‘Fired Up’ about this opportunity! FIRE is designed to connect families to the parish community of Holy Family and its liturgies while recognizing and empowering PARENTS as the first Catechists of their children and the primary leaders of their faith. 

FIRE will meet once per month on Wednesdays with children and parents sitting as a family, working and learning together for one session each month. In addition, these families are asked to attend and participate in our monthly FM Multigenerational Mass. The program will follow the Liturgical Year and will be a ‘spiral method’, meaning all grades will study the same subject on the same night, further enabling discussions at home. Additionally, students will be given materials, activities and worksheets that can be done with the family at home. Register your grade 1 – 5 only but all are welcome.

Schedule for FIRE Sessions 2024-2025 – Wednesday Nights 5:30pm-6:45pm

September 8: FM Mass
September 18: FIRE Session
October 6: FM Mass
October 9: FIRE Session
November 6: FIRE Session
November 10: FM Mass
December 11: FIRE Session

January 8: FIRE Session
January 12: FM Mass
February 5: FIRE Session
February 9: FM Mass
March 2: FM Mass
March 12: FIRE Session
April 2:  FIRE Session
April 6: FM Mass
May 11: FM Mass

Students in Grade 2 or older who would like to prepare for Sacraments are asked to attend 4 additional meetings for Parent and Child. See First Communion Sacramental Preparation.

Faith Formation

Option 2 for Grades 1-5

Family Faith

We are proud of our Family Faith Program which meets on Sundays with a choice of two times. Family Faith is our more traditional style Religious Ed Program utilizing the Finding God Series by Loyola Press. Family Faith is further enhanced by our talented and creative Volunteer Catechists as they engage our students by make these lessons fun. These Catechists are committed to developing relationships that connect the students to Holy Family Parish Community.

Students meet in classrooms by grade learning and forming friendships with in the community. In addition, students are asked to attend and participate in our monthly FM Multigenerational Mass.

All Meetings are on Sundays with a choice at registration of two times.

  • Mornings 8:45am-10:15am
  • Evenings 5:15pm-6:45pm

Schedule Dates for Family Faith Sessions 2024-2025

September 8: FM Mass
September 22, 29: Family Faith Sessions
October 6: FM Mass
October 20, 27: Family Faith Sessions
November 3: Family Faith Session
November 10: FM Mass
December 8, 15: Family Faith Session
Christmas Break December 16-January 4

January 12: FM Mass
January 26: Family Faith Sessions
February 9: FM Mass
February 2, 23: Family Faith Sessions
March 2: FM Mass
March 9, 16: Family Faith Session
April 6: FM Mass
April 13, 27: Family Faith Sessions
May 11: FM Mass

Students in Grade 2 or older who would like to prepare for Sacraments are asked to attend 4 additional meetings for Parent and Child. See First Communion Sacramental Preparation.

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A realm account is required to register for Faith Classes at Holy Family. Its FREE and easy to set up!
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