Exciting update: Campaign Progress

Thank you to all of the volunteers, parishioners, and donors who have made our capital campaign, Providing For Our Family’s Future, a great success for our community. Because of your prayers and support, we have been able to reach $3,658,000 (96.8%) of our $3,775,000 goal(Progress as of December 9th)

Entering into our first Commitment Weekend on November 16th, we had reached 46% of our goal, and over the past three weeks, thanks to you, we have more than doubled our pledges!  If at this time, you are unable to make a financial commitment, we ask you to continue praying for the success of our Holy Family Campaign. We ask you to complete the pledge card with your current contact information for our database.  Pledges and prayers are essential to achieve 100% participation in a successful campaign.

Thanks to you, we are near our goal to make our capital campaign a reality, building our present community through spiritual renewal, ensuring our campus will be maintained at its current level of excellence and fulfilling our commitment to the programs and scholarships of the Archdiocese. It is a vision for Holy Family that honors our past, gives thanks to the present, and embraces our future—and the future is for all of US!


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