Don’t Miss the February Kairos Retreat!

Holy Family is sponsoring Kairos Retreat #23 on February 17-20 in the north suburbs.

Jesus can seem distant at times especially as young adults are finding their way the high school scene with pressures everywhere.   The Kairos Retreat gives participants a chance to escape the stress and a way to, well, just find peace in faith.  Every year, teens in our program return with a deeper connection to Christ.

“I saw how Christ can fit in my life.”
“We took a new look at ourselves and found our own places in Faith.”
“The retreat and the people changed me for the better.”
“I was accepted for who I am, I fit in.”

Even if you don’t know many people at the retreat or there are only a few from your school, you will connect with new friends.  Each class builds bonds through sharing a unique experience.

Almost half a million teens across the country have experienced Kairos since the retreat began over 30 years ago.  Won’t you join us?  At least call for more info?

Please, we don’t want financial need to deter you from attending this meaningful retreat. Call Amy Hodson (847) 907-3446 to discuss one of our scholarships.

Registration ends soon so…   Click Here

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