December 5th, 2021

ADVENTures in Grace:

         A Journey of Joy

Our Advent pilgrimage has begun and our Pilgrimage of Grace continues as we are introduced to the key figure of every Advent—John the Baptist.

If you were not present on Wednesday evening, November 10, please go to our website and watch the presentation by Dr. Terry Nelson-Johnson, Mary Kelly, Laura Field and myself. You are sure to be inspired and will also be introduced to three formulas that will help us to articulate the power and presence of both Grace and sacrament.

The three formulas are:

I experienced the sacrament of


as mediated by_________________________.


I witnessed the sacrament of


as mediated by




full of Grace.

Try it yourself and, in particular, use it to articulate the grace of this Advent season.

The Pastoral Table

I am renaming the Parish Pastoral Council to THE PASTORAL TABLE. Members and discussion will be more like gathering around the table —- the pastoral table. I believe the members of the PASTORAL TABLE will represent all of you more comprehensively.

     The overall purpose of this new structure will continue, namely to advance the Parish Mission which is: To empower all to new life in Christ through sacramental living, transformative worship, life long spiritual growth and community in service of others.

     The last year and a half has changed a lot of things including the structure of the council. I offer my special thanks to Mike Myers for continuing as chair, and to Bill Leece and Pete Barber whose terms are now up, but who served us well over the last three years. We welcome new members Joy Kull and Lisa Gagliano. Current members include:

Greg Flanagan

Rick McMahon

Anne Madsen

Grant Guthrie

Luis Gutierrez

Sue Geegan is our staff rep.

I thank them all on behalf of you.

Holy Family Receives

Catholic Extension Award

On Thursday, November 23, Holy Family was honored by Catholic Extension Society with the Church-Builders Award at their Annual Thanksgiving Celebration held in downtown Chicago.  Holy Family has partnered with Catholic Extension on four occasions as our Lenten Social Justice Project, raising much needed funding to support poor, yet growing, mission parishes in the US and Cuba.  Go to the website under Lenten Social Justice Projects to view each project in detail.

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