December 17th, 2023


Gaudete means “rejoice” and we designate it as a special week of Advent with the lighting of the pink candle. The Scripture imagery from our readings underscores why we have reason to rejoice, while not fully letting go of our preparation to Be More.

Isaiah proclaims that God has anointed him, sending him into a world that may not be rejoicing. Our world is troubled, particularly in Ukraine and the Gaza strip. Our world is desperately in need of someone to carry out a mission of bringing goodness, healing and proclaiming freedom for those held in captivity. Hostages are at the center of the tension in Gaza and they seek freedom. Those who have been released are rejoicing like never before – cherishing their freedom like never before.  Their rejoicing speaks of a triumph of justice.

Isaiah’s imagery is that justice grows like a flower in the garden of the world. Like any flower or plant, it needs watering and sun and its growth is a process, but it starts with planting.

Paul says to pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances and do not quench the spirit. Quench has two meanings. One is to satisfy such as quenching thirst; the other is to extinguish or put out, as in a fire. It is this second meaning that Paul uses in reference to the Holy Spirit. So often justice begins by someone planting, and then it grows by taking on a spirit of its own.

Let us never quench the growth of justice in our lives.

We switch from Mark’s description of the mission of John the Baptist to John’s this weekend. The Baptist’s mission, focus, purpose and identity are so important for the manifestation of the Christ into our lives that it requires at least two descriptions. The evangelist tells us that John the Baptist came to testify to the Light of Jesus Christ. The Baptist clearly tells us who he is and who he is not.

I know that you have heard me talk about the physical and the spiritual of our lives. My contention is that we all live in ONE world, and that ONE world has both a physical and a spiritual dimension.  These two dimensions work in an ebb and flow manner often to bring about deeper insights into life.

Jesus tells parables that use physical objects in order to tell a spiritual message. At Christmas, the love and presence of the spirit of our God becomes real in the physical reality of the baby Jesus.

John the Baptist baptizes with a physical element—water.  However, he proclaims that the Christ will baptize with the Holy Spirit.  

Social Justice Wall

Please see the new Social Justice Wall in the hallway leading from the east side of the Narthex (also called the chapel side). The pictures and descriptions will help all of us see how our many Lenten Social Justice Projects have facilitated the GROWTH of our commitment to Social Justice. Perhaps they will cause you to rejoice in the impact of your generosity on so many communities. Please know that you have supported causes that are continuing to grow and bring forth justice in our local community and across the nation thanks to our partnership with Fr. Jack Wall and the Catholic Extension Society. Special thanks to Sue Geegan, Ro Geisler and Ellie Muehl for their artistic flare that makes the presentation so beautiful.

Getting Ready for More

We will continue the partnership with Catholic Extension and embark on yet other projects of Social Justice this coming Lent. This coming week, Eric Kramp, Sue Geegan and I will travel to Montana to explore our support for a Jesuit parish and school in Pryor, Montana and the St. Ignatius Mission in Helena, Montana

You will hear much more about these communities who are poor in resources but so very rich in faith and hope. I draw particular inspiration from these communities and so many others that we have collaborated with because almost all of them are lay led. It is truly a Vatican II movement alive in people and emanating from their baptism.

My Podcast

Don’t forget to check out my short, weekly podcast Word, World and Worship available on Spotify and Apple I-Tunes.

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