Confirmation: Name Worksheet Name* First Last Email* The Baptism, or Christian, name is the name that you were given at birth. That is, your first name. Some people choose to re-affirm their Baptismal name. In the Christian tradition, taking a new name signifies spiritual conversion. In other words, that there has been a significant spiritual change in your life. This is why, if you choose to take on a different Confirmation name, it should be one of a saint or Christian person whom you admire.Choice* I choose to take a Confirmation name. I choose to re-affirm my Baptism Name (first name). My Confirmation Name will be*Write a paragraph below explaining why you are choosing a new name or re-affirming your Baptism name. Describe who the saint or Christian is and list several qualities of their life you admire—and want to work toward. A paragraph should be at the minimum 7-10 sentences!*