Our 2018 Gala is fast approaching. The Gala is our major fundraiser for the year, but it is also a really fun way to catch and share the strong spirit of Holy Family Catholic Community. Our faith community continues to grow and change, and although the Gala was conceived as an event that would support our Academy exclusively, in recent years I have asked that we see this event as a way of supporting and expressing the mission of our entire parish because WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER! Proceeds from the Gala are available for all ministries parish wide with certain focuses each year.
As you know, the Gala requires much planning, energy and execution. I want to thank this year’s Gala Chairs Stephanie Andre-Ouellette, Helen Kalantzis and Kathy Marousis who are working with Bernie Schaeffer, our Director of Development, and others from both Parish and Academy staffs, to make our Gala as successful as possible and help to advance our very ambitious mission here at Holy Family.
Please attend the Gala. Please support it in any way possible if you can’t attend. Catch our spirit, meet new parishioners and support our mission through the 2018 Gala, Le Grand Bal de Versailles, at the Concord Banquets in Deer Park on Saturday, February 24.
This weekend we hear a passage from the Gospel of Mark that tells of a series of events and movements by Jesus that can be an example for all of us.
Mark tells us that Jesus heals, and that causes his reputation to grow which leads to the hard work of his ministry causing people to pursue him – seeking his healing. Actually many, many people seek him and he begins to feel overwhelmed – yes even Jesus needed a break sometimes, and he is giving us all an example here. We all need to take a break periodically, to get away, to reflect and pray which, in this case for Jesus, helps him to clarify his purpose on earth. Jesus says that he must preach the good news, that is why he has come. He gets clarification on his purpose by reflecting and praying. So the example is not simply to escape from the world, or pressures, or things that overwhelm us. Getting away should also be accompanied by prayer and reflection.
One really effective way to reflect on your own life and deepen your spiritual life is to join a Lectionary Based Small Christian Community. We have over 600 parishioners currently engaged in an SCC, and any one of them can tell you how it has enriched their spiritual journey and helped to form a smaller sense of community in the midst of our very large parish.
This weekend we will hear from Pete and Cari Pappas who are the new ministry leads for our Lectionary Based Small Christian Communities. Lectionary based means that the group reads and discusses how the scripture readings to be proclaimed at the upcoming weekend masses connect with their lives. Members provide hospitality, laughs, fun and joy, as well as the classic opportunities to grow in faith, in knowledge of scripture and a smaller, more intimate sense of community.
Please be attentive to Pete and Cari’s message, and mine, regarding the importance of this ministry in the life of Holy Family Catholic Community. You do not have to be an expert in scripture, or even have knowledge of ‘church stuff’ to join a group.
The quality and numbers of our Small Christian Communities truly make Holy Family a unique community. Our staff and leadership create and provide materials that help SCC members reflect on the scripture readings that will be proclaimed at the coming weekend’s Mass. Materials include a video reflection by one of our staff and discussion questions to guide the gathering. I cannot tell you how many participants in one of our many SCCs have told me that the group has really changed their lives.
Another really helpful aspect of the SCC dynamic is a how it helps to apply scripture to our daily lives. As the scripture passages are broken down and discussed, they become more applicable to our lives. Understanding a bit more about the various passages help them to shed light on our own experience.
Reflection, prayer and discussion shared in the context of our Small Christian Communities all work together to bring about the most important dynamic, and that is forming community and connectedness with other parishioners.
We are also constantly in need of facilitators who lead the discussions. We provide training for these leaders, and often a new leader is the spark that begins a new group.
Please consider joining, or forming, a Small Christian Community. May I suggest that you join one and give it a try during Lent. Many people who find an SCC now as a regular part of their spiritual life began by giving it a try during Lent.