Fr. Terry Keehan

Christ the King

Fr. Terry Keehan

     Christ! Our eternal King! What a powerful statement. This weekend the Church suggests that we focus not simply on one aspect of Christ, namely as King, but on the eternal nature of Christ’s kingliness. Often at baptisms when I am about to anoint a baby with the sacred chrism, I try to give a longer and larger context to his title as Christ, and thus King. King is a title that he certainly didn’t demand or even seek, but that Christ naturally has become by a sacred and grace-filled partnership between the divine and the human. God willed to be an eternal presence in our world, and humanity hungers to acknowledge something that is enduring, lasting, eternal.

     The larger context begins with David, as our first reading from the second Book of Samuel mentions this weekend at Mass. Saul was the king by a human process, but the people were hungering for a true spiritual king. The prophet Samuel anointed Jesse’s youngest son, David, from Bethlehem, as that king by a ritual using oil. David was a good king, certainly not perfect; after all, he was human. He has left a lasting legacy as a musician (we sing the psalms that he wrote to this day at Mass), shepherd and ruler.

     The chrism we use reminds us, indeed connects us, with the chrism oil that the prophet Samuel used to anoint a young David as the new spiritual king. But, much more importantly, it ritualizes here and now as we use it, that Jesus, the second person of our Trinitarian God, was and is given the title as the ETERNALLY anointed one – with chrism – Christos, Christ. These are all part of the same word, the same concept, the same spiritual title. Christ’s kingliness flows from that. Christ is the spiritual King that all humanity yearns for. The one who will give us a profound spiritual path—forever.

Advent by Candlelight

     We have a real spiritual offering coming up for women. ALL women. Advent by Candlelight will be held on Tuesday evening, December 3 at 7:00pm. Laura Field from Old St. Pat’s will lead our women in her presentation A Spiritual Makeover: The Homes of Our Hearts. All women are invited. Laura is a certified Spiritual Director and has been an integral part of the Beloved retreats for adults that we have offered through Holy Family in collaboration with Old St. Pat’s. There is no fee for the evening, but please register by November 30 so we can be both hospitable and efficient as hors d‘oeuvres and wine will be offered. Please see page 9 of this bulletin for details.

Providing for Our Family’s Future

We have been taking precious time at Mass to keep you informed of the progress and need for our capital campaign. For those of you who have contributed—a heartfelt word of gratitude—thanks, not only from me but from all who will benefit from your generosity into the future. We ask for your patience as we finalize the opportunity for ALL families of our Holy Family to make a pledge this weekend.

     My primary goal is not a financial one—it is a participation goal. My primary goal is to have EVERY family participate. Our future is for all of us. The very sacred space that we gather in and create an environment for not only worship but carrying out our mission, must be cared for. The very space that people come to NOT hear about a financial ask is kept beautiful by the financial resources that are being asked for.

     We are all seeking spiritual nourishment and the high-quality programs that we offer, the efforts to engage newcomers and current parishioners, the mission of our larger church, all require resources and support from ALL who call ourselves Holy Family. We are in this together and if you have not done so, please take some time to familiarize yourself with the details of the campaign.  This can be done through our website, or, by picking up a campaign brochure available at the front desk, through the bulletin or in a conversation with one of the campaign volunteers. Pray about this initiative and support it according to the extent that your prayerful heart has indicated. Know that it will generate support for us for several years into the future so that we will not need another such an effort for up to ten years in the future.

     To date, 297 families have pledged their support for Providing for Our Family’s Future. Again, my goal is to have ALL families who make up our Holy Family contribute. I am hoping that the remaining 4,180 families will also participate. If you do, we will far exceed our goal and more fully thank those who have already participated.

 Thanksgiving Mass

     Join us this coming Thursday, Thanksgiving Day at 10:00 am for Mass. As we celebrate and give thanks to God for Christ’s real presence among us, let us also give thanks to the same God for countless blessings. Please bring the bread and wine that will be on your family table for a special blessing.

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