Suggestions for Virtual Celebration of the Eucharist at Home

All of us long for the time when we can once again come together as a faith community to celebrate the Eucharist. Until that time, however, we are still able to come together virtually from our homes. In order to make this experience of worship and spiritual communion as enriching as possible, we offer the following suggestions:

  1. 1) Gather your family together at a specified time as if you were going to mass at Holy Family. Maybe you could coordinate with other friends or family to worship at their homes at the same time. Use the phrase “celebrate mass” as opposed to “watch mass.”
  3. 2) Put a white cloth or placemat on a table visible to everyone. On the table place a lighted candle, a cross, a small bowl of water, a Bible, and maybe a small green plant or vase of flowers.
  5. 3) Be comfortable, but intentionally focus on this being an experience of worship: no cell phones or other electronic devices (other than the one on which the mass is being viewed), no snacks/drinks, no pausing or fast-forwarding, no simultaneous activity.
  7. 4) Before beginning the mass dip your finger in the bowl of water and bless yourselves.
  9. 5) Participate in the mass as if you were physically present at Holy Family: stand, sit, sing, listen, respond, pray.

These are suggestions that may be adapted to your own family situation. Be creative. Families of different age makeups will have different needs. The important thing is that you focus on intentionally gathering to celebrate mass.

We long to be the gathered Body of Christ, physically present to each other, giving thanks and praise to God, sharing Christ’s Body and Blood. While not physically present to one another, beyond those family members gathered around our TV or computer screen, we are spiritually present across time and space with all believers gathered as the Body of Christ. We hope these suggestions and/or other ideas of your own choosing, will enrich your experience of virtual mass until we all can, once again, gather as one Holy Family around the Table of the Lord.

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