C ON G R A T U L A T I O N S !

P L E D G E   U P D A T E – 1/12/20 

Goal:  $3,775,000     Pledges:  $4,000,000      # of Pledges:  528                                C ON G R A T U L A T I O N S !!!!!!!!!! 

Once again our community has come together in support of our Mission, Values and the future of Holy Family Church. The pledges made by 528 families will build the necessary reserves to support our infrastructure, allow us to continue our many ministries, and develop new ministries and programs to grow our Community. Our pledges will not only achieve the goals established in our Campaign but also cover expenses incurred in its development and implementation. We have been blessed with parishioners and volunteers who believe in Holy Family and our Pastor who leads us in our Mission.  We will continue to have regular updates throughout the pledge redemption phase and fulfillment of the various aspects of the Campaign commitments and expenditures necessary to accomplish the goals outlined. A sincere thank you from the entire staff .

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