Brennan Library Opens at Holy Family

Brennan Library, notesA library dedicated to Fr. Pat Brennan has been built at Holy Family. The library is filled with Fr. Pat’s favorite books, donated from his personal library. Fr. Pat used many of these books for the inspirational homilies he gave while pastor of Holy Family. Some of the books contain Fr. Pat’s personal notations and profound thoughts.

Thank you to the friends and family of Fr. Pat who were instrumental in designing the space, donating the furnishings, and obtaining the books. The library can be found in Break Out Room 1 and is open in the evenings and weekends except when the room is being used for meetings. Books can be checked out and returned on the honor system.

Brennan Libary, shelvesThe library is a testament to Fr. Pat’s passion for learning and gift of teaching. Continue your own journey of life-long learning while enjoying this special treasure that can only be found at Holy Family.

“There isn’t any expression of the Reign of God that is closer to what Jesus intended in His teaching, than people experiencing genuine community with each other. One of Robert Putman’s points … faith communities can do much to generate social capital and restore community to our broken culture.”

From Fr. Pat’s personal notes found in his book collection.

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