Awaken to the beautiful and powerful story of our God coming to be one of us this Christmas. Awaken to the way that the final Advent chapter of the angel visiting Mary announcing the birth of Jesus and then, his actual birth blend together this weekend. Remember, this year the fourth weekend of Advent flows right into Christmas Eve and then Christmas Day. Many of you will be reading this after Christmas, so it might be a way to keep the magic of the event alive in your prayer life. Sit back, relax. One or two of the images may speak to you more powerfully. That’s ok. Stay with it, linger with it. Let it speak to your heart. Reflect on it.
Allow me to lead you in a reflection on the deep spiritual imagery and events of these two chapters of the birth of Jesus. Pray with these statements and questions.
Gospel for the 4th Weekend of Advent – Luke 1:26-38
The Angel was sent by God
The divine uses messengers to visit humanity. God has sent you many angels. What have they told you?
Full of grace
You are full of grace. God has blessed you with many graces. May the Angel’s greeting to Mary remind you of your many blessings, perhaps blessings you have forgotten, or take for granted.
How can this be?
Sometimes life is confusing. How have you moved through confusing events and circumstances to new life?
Do not be afraid
If Mary was afraid, then it is ok for us to be afraid sometimes. May we trust in God’s love for us so that fear does not cripple us.
You shall bear a son
One chosen woman gave birth to Jesus, but we all must bear him in our hearts and souls. Let Christ and the beauty of our God becoming one of us be conceived in your heart and soul.
He will be great
The angel announces the greatness of God’s presence. What are the great moments of your life?
I am the servant of the Lord
Mary sees herself as God’s servant. How are you called to serve? When have you served in meaningful ways?
May it be done to me according to your will
One of the greatest spiritual challenges is understanding God’s will for us. Accepting it can be even more challenging. May Mary be an example of acceptance for us; for you.
Christmas Gospel – Luke 2:1-16
In those days
The Christmas Eve scripture story begins in a similar way that other famous stories begin, “Once upon a time…” In this case, “In those days…”
All went home to register
Where is your home? Not necessarily where you live now but, where were you born? Where are you from? Connect with your roots.
She gave birth to a son
Mary is chosen to give birth to a savior. What has God chosen for you to give birth to? To whom have you given birth literally? Figuratively?
Nearby there were shepherds working
The birth of Jesus takes place near where hard working shepherds are doing the job of caring for what has been entrusted to them. In the course of their work, God communicated very good news to them through an Angel. Do you hear or see God speaking to you in your work, or as you care for what (or whom) has been entrusted to you?
I bring you good news
Where is the good news today? Don’t give in to cynicism, especially in the midst of the miraculous Christmas story. Don’t give up on what is good in our world. It is there and it will bring us hope.
Today God gives you a Savior/Baby born in
Yes Savior/Baby. The saving power of our God is born in our midst in the surprising combination of the savior of the world and a baby just born.
Now ask your own questions inspired by:
Let us go to see God’s miracle…
They found Mary, Joseph and the child king…
They found a holy family. Where is the holiness in your family? What holiness have you found here at Holy Family Catholic Community? How are we a Holy Family?
Merry, Merry Christmas to you and yours.