1.17.21 Baptism and the United States of America
This past weekend we celebrated the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. I have always found the most powerful element of this event is that God, through Jesus Christ, walked into the river of human life and immersed himself in it. He demonstrated that he is with us in the murky river of human
1.17.21 Baptism and the United States of America Read More »
1/10/21 • Baptism of the Lord 2021
Baptism has such significance – spiritually, historically and ecclesially – just for starters. As we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord this weekend, our readings offer some words and concepts that are the foundation for the ritual prayer that publically celebrates the sacrament. We hear of covenant, thirst, God’s word, love, commandments, begotten, the Holy
1/10/21 • Baptism of the Lord 2021 Read More »
New Year
I believe our world is in need of restoration – physically, spiritually, emotionally, athletically, educationally and politically, just to name a few experiences that end in the letters a-l-l-y. Particularly with the way this pandemic has come upon us, it is human instinct to seek restoration through healing. Many of you have heard me