HFCA Featured In NCR Article
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HFCA Featured In NCR Article Read More »
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HFCA Featured In NCR Article Read More »
To My Dear Holy Family,Unprecedented! That is the word that I find myself using to describe our current situation in the face of the Covid 19 Virus. I write to you as your Pastor today both concerned about our physical health AND my ever evolving desire to make Holy Family a creative, innovative and engaging
Update Letter From Fr. Terry Read More »
The next three weekends we will hear a series of long, but very rich, stories from the Gospel of John. This year we are hearing readings from cycle A, and the Gospel stories are primarily from Matthew. However, each Lent during the 3rd, 4th and 5th weeks we may use the Samaritan Woman at the
Dear Members of Holy Family Catholic Community,I am sure you are receiving information from lots of different sources but I prayerfully ask you to pay attention to this communication, which provides the most updated, and accurate information regarding the impact of the coronavirus on our church operations. This is a very fluid situation but I am
Most of us, I suspect, live with some level of fear, especially during these unprecedented times as the coronavirus cases rise around the world. Though our fears can be debilitating, all too often our worries are unfounded. The worst that can happen rarely does. On this Second Sunday of Lent, we see Jesus as transfigured before his disciples
“Every life has a moment, if seized, that will change that life forever.” Read More »