Fr. Terry Keehan

June 23, 2024

From Fear to FaithWe have resumed reading from the Gospel of Mark during this weekend celebrations of the Eucharist. According to Mark, the disciples consistently do not understand the things that Jesus is trying to convey to them. This is a literary device that is meant for us as hearers of the Gospel. Because the […]

June 23, 2024 Read More »

June 16, 2024

Happy Father’s Day We welcome one of the great fathers of the Archdiocese of Chicago to Holy Family this weekend. Father Jack Wall, the President of the Catholic Extension Society, will join us for our 9:00 and 11:00 am Masses this weekend. We will present Jack with a check for just over $113,000 dollars that

June 16, 2024 Read More »

June 9, 2024

To and From EvilI have been nourished and inspired by my new Small Christian Community which is truly a Gathering in Grace (GIG). We gather to share THE SPIRITUALITY OF SPORTS. We are a very diverse group of men and women, young Academy parents and longtime parishioners. A common thread is that we all played

June 9, 2024 Read More »

June 2nd, 2024

  Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ Take…All…Eat…Given…Drink…New…Eternal…Covenant…Shed… Do This…Memory…Me These are some of the key action words of Jesus that we priests have the profound honor of saying during the Consecration of every celebration of the Eucharist. I firmly believe in the Eucharist as a verb as much, if not more, than

June 2nd, 2024 Read More »

May 26, 2024

Holy Trinity God is a mover, always in motion through and in our lives. The first great movement of God was into life. God moved into all life by creative, eternal love. God was the first mover, instigating all life, and that first movement is often called FATHER. The second great movement of God was,

May 26, 2024 Read More »

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